W.b. 22.08.22 Welcome back!

It has been a fun filled first couple of weeks back in P3. We have been busy getting used to our new routines and settling into our new classroom. We made our own tray and peg labels and have enjoyed exploring some of our new play areas.






We have been reminding ourselves of the rights that we have and how important they are to make sure we are happy, safe and healthy. We then used these to think of our responsibilities in class to design our class charter to make sure P3A is a lovely place where we can play,  learn, be heard and be safe.


After a class vote, we decided on a superhero theme for our class charter, where we designed our P3A city and made our very own superheroes.









We blew Miss Muir away with our number work this week, where we were saying and making 3 digit numbers!






Some of our amazing creations so far!