All posts by gw16muirelizabeth@glow

W.b.19.08.24 Welcome to P2b!

We have been busy getting used to our new classroom and settling into our new routines. P2b have had a great start to the year, with us finding out a bit more about each other by playing ‘friend bingo’. We had to try to find friends in our classroom who liked different things e.g. swimming, reading.

For Literacy we have been exploring rhyming words and enjoyed hearing the book Oi Frog. We even had a go in groups at trying to think of as many rhyming words as we could for different words (cat, dog, rip, pen & tap).

In maths we have been working on our adding to 20 and learning the days of the week. We’ve practiced ordering the days and saying what was yesterday and what will be tomorrow, as well as working on some of their tricky spellings – well done p2b!

We have loved reading the story ‘The Koala Who Could’ with us learning that it’s good to try new things. Here we are creating some of our own koala pictures.

What a busy first few days! As well as our learning we have had the chance to explore our room and new toys. Thank you for reading and tune in next week for more updates.