Today we learned about why mistakes are magic. Mistakes make the muscles in your brain get stronger which helps you learn.
Together we created a whole class piece of art work. We turned marks we made into art!
Today we learned about why mistakes are magic. Mistakes make the muscles in your brain get stronger which helps you learn.
Together we created a whole class piece of art work. We turned marks we made into art!
This week we have been learning about adjectives. We know that they describe a noun and help to make our sentences more exciting. We went on an adjective hunt in our woodland and played some games to practise the new words we have learned.
We have been working on our measuring skills this week by learning how to use a ruler.
Today we were set a jigsaw puzzle challenge. Whilst we were working, Miss Anderson was checking to see how we were working as a team – but we didn’t know that!! When we had had a good go, we talked about things that make a good team, like sharing, taking turns and speaking in a calm voice. We are going to refer to the things we said every time we work in groups.
This week we created fireworks pictures!
We also read a story called ‘Finn’s Little Fibs’.
We spoke about what makes us tell a fib, and how we feel after it. We all decided it felt much better to be honest, and if we do tell a fib, we should try and tell the truth as soon as we can as it will make us feel better. Next, we drew pictures of a time when we have told a fib and it how it made us feel.
We have been working on our handwriting this week. We were practising i and j. They are ladder letters that go down first!
Some of us made play dough this week. Before we made it, we tried to sequence the instructions in the correct order. We made a few magic mistakes, but we were able to fix them as we went!
This week P2b had a very well deserved spooktacular class treat on Tuesday afternoon after filling up their marble jar! We had fun making some spooky crafts, showing off some fabulous dance moves and enjoying a snack or two.
In maths we have been using our doubles knowledge to help us with near doubles.