Week Beginning 21st October

This week we have learning about Carroll diagrams in maths, where we had to sort pirates by their different features. We also sorted cubes by their colours to make a bar chart.

P2b are super excited about their new topic ‘celebrations’, this week we have been learning about Harvest and have turned our role play into a farmers market. We’ve had fun making our own menu and decorations to show the different fruit and vegetables on offer in the market. We’ve also been making scarecrows to scare the birds away from our crops.

We ended the week by finishing off our shoe box aquariums and posters about our Under the Sea topic.

Week Beginning 7th October

As part of our under the sea topic, we have been learning about living and non-living things. We became biologists for the day and had to look at some of the living things we could see in the sea. In groups we then sorted them into different categories e.g. type of animal and created a tally table to match.

We read poems about sea creatures in groups and had to use the clues given to work out which sea creature it was.  Then we made a fact file about the creature.

We also had our trip to the Science Centre this week where we consolidated our learning about Space with a visit to the Planetarium. Thank you so much to the parents who came with us!

Week Beginning 30th September

The children were excited to create their own surveys about our under the sea topic this week. They came up with a question like, ‘What is your favourite type of shark?’ and then asked the class to vote. We then turned the results into pictograms to share our results.

This week, we have been enjoying completing our ‘Daily Play Target’. Mrs Grieve and Mrs McAra chose an area in the classroom for each of us to visit for at least five minutes.  When we do get time to explore our room, we can go to that area.  This means we are visiting areas that we might not always choose to go to, learning new skills and means we might get to play with different people!