Week Beginning 21st October

This week we have learning about Carroll diagrams in maths, where we had to sort pirates by their different features. We also sorted cubes by their colours to make a bar chart.

P2b are super excited about their new topic ‘celebrations’, this week we have been learning about Harvest and have turned our role play into a farmers market. We’ve had fun making our own menu and decorations to show the different fruit and vegetables on offer in the market. We’ve also been making scarecrows to scare the birds away from our crops.

We ended the week by finishing off our shoe box aquariums and posters about our Under the Sea topic.

Week Beginning 7th October

As part of our under the sea topic, we have been learning about living and non-living things. We became biologists for the day and had to look at some of the living things we could see in the sea. In groups we then sorted them into different categories e.g. type of animal and created a tally table to match.

We read poems about sea creatures in groups and had to use the clues given to work out which sea creature it was.  Then we made a fact file about the creature.

We also had our trip to the Science Centre this week where we consolidated our learning about Space with a visit to the Planetarium. Thank you so much to the parents who came with us!

Week Beginning 30th September

The children were excited to create their own surveys about our under the sea topic this week. They came up with a question like, ‘What is your favourite type of shark?’ and then asked the class to vote. We then turned the results into pictograms to share our results.

This week, we have been enjoying completing our ‘Daily Play Target’. Mrs Grieve and Mrs McAra chose an area in the classroom for each of us to visit for at least five minutes.  When we do get time to explore our room, we can go to that area.  This means we are visiting areas that we might not always choose to go to, learning new skills and means we might get to play with different people!

Week Beginning 23rd September – Maths Week Scotland

We started off maths week by reading a story called ‘Tally O’Malley’. The book was all about a family playing a game by choosing which colour of car they thought would be most popular and then counting them using tally marks to see who was the winner. We then had a go at this ourselves, with us counting all of the cars that drove passed the school.

We also read a story called ‘ice cream for everyone’. We had a class vote to find out everyone’s favourite flavour of ice-cream and made a pictogram to show the results. Bubblegum was our winner!

Next we read ‘The Doorbell Rang’ by Pat Hutchins. In the book, two children have cookies to share, but people keep arriving and they keep having to share their cookies with more and more people! We solved problems about biscuits ourselves.  We talked about how acting out the problem would help us solve it, and we used play dough as pretend cookies.

Next we baked our own cookies! We enjoyed helping to weigh out the ingredients and getting a turn to cream the butter and sugar. We also had to split the dough into smaller parts at the end to make each cookie.

If only Mrs Grieve hadn’t left them in for an extra five minutes just to make sure they were cooked! She’s not planning on applying for Bake Off any time soon!

Wishing everyone a relaxing long weekend!

Week Beginning 16th September

We have been learning about what it means to be a good friend. Playing with each other, being kind and helping when someone gets hurt were a few of our suggestions. We had a challenge to try to find something in common with others in our class to think of things we might like to play or do together.

We were working hard on learning our addition doubles this week!

We have been sorting things into living and non-living. We went on a hunt!

We have been learning the names of the oceans on our planet and where they are. Here you can see us labelling them on a world map.

We had a visit from people who work for Thales. We made periscopes! Periscopes are what people who work on a submarine use so they can see where they are going.

Week Beginning 9th September

In Technology, we learned about algorithms.  Algorithms are instructions that you give to a computer.  They  have to be in the right order, and very clear.

We created algorithms for our character on a coding app called Scratch Jr.

We learned how to do a forward roll safely in gymnastics this week, whilst also getting an opportunity to practise what we have learned previously. Here you can see us rolling, jumping and creating shapes on the equipment.  Some of us had to face a bit of a fear when jumping off the apparatus as it was quite high up! Our teachers were so proud of us when we managed it.

In Literacy, we have been working on our blending skills to read the words and writing capital letters.

To round off our learning about the months of the year, we created birthday cards for our class. We will take one home when it’s our birthday.

Week Beginning 2nd September 2024

This week we have been continuing to learn about the months of the year. Here you can see us working in groups to put them in the right order.

On Friday afternoon we worked as a team to create a porthole display for the entrance to P2. Each class is going to make their own porthole.

We talked about what we might find under the sea. Mrs Grieve was impressed by the amount of things we could think of!

Next we all made our own sea creature. We could use whatever we wanted to decorate and create it. Some of us wanted to use the fish outline Mrs Grieve had printed out, but some of us drew our own.

When we were finished, we helped create the porthole. We did this like a collage, by sticking on pieces of blue and white paper and tissue paper.  We also cut strips of green paper with our fancy curvy scissors to make seaweed.

We are looking forward to seeing the finished article soon!

30th August 2024

We have been talking and learning lots about emotions this week. We read ‘The Colour Monster’ and sorted different emotions into the colours we thought they would match.

Then we created our own Monsters! In the morning when we come in, we put our own monster into the bowl which best describes our emotions that day. Green for calm, red for anger, yellow for happy and blue for sad. This means our teachers can check in on how we are feeling.

We looked again at ‘The Koala Who Could’ and wrote about his emotions and how they change over the course of the story.

This week we have also been introduced to Daily Literacy Learning (DLL). We have been learning all the different tasks and are doing very well at keeping our group boxes organised and tidy.

W.b.19.08.24 Welcome to P2b!

We have been busy getting used to our new classroom and settling into our new routines. P2b have had a great start to the year, with us finding out a bit more about each other by playing ‘friend bingo’. We had to try to find friends in our classroom who liked different things e.g. swimming, reading.

For Literacy we have been exploring rhyming words and enjoyed hearing the book Oi Frog. We even had a go in groups at trying to think of as many rhyming words as we could for different words (cat, dog, rip, pen & tap).

In maths we have been working on our adding to 20 and learning the days of the week. We’ve practiced ordering the days and saying what was yesterday and what will be tomorrow, as well as working on some of their tricky spellings – well done p2b!

We have loved reading the story ‘The Koala Who Could’ with us learning that it’s good to try new things. Here we are creating some of our own koala pictures.

What a busy first few days! As well as our learning we have had the chance to explore our room and new toys. Thank you for reading and tune in next week for more updates.

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