October 25th

Welcome back readers, we hope you had a lovely and relaxing October Holiday.

We have been learning lots of new skills in primary 2 this week, here is everything we got up to.


In PE we played a scary game of zombie tig to start. We are so excited for Halloween! We continued with our gymnastics and learned how to do handstands, forward rolls and cartwheels.


In religious education we were learning about the Harvest festival. We made fantastic posters all about Harvest and added drawings of everything you need to celebrate. We also learned about the Jewish celebration of Sukkot, we are looking forward to learning more about this.


In literacy we spent time recapping the ‘qu’ sound and the ‘ar’ sound. We also started to learn about nouns, we discussed common nouns and proper nouns and thought of as many examples as we could for each.



In maths we learned about measuring weight. We spoke about how to use scales and how to tell if something is ‘heavier than’, ‘lighter than’ or ‘equal to’. After this we used different classroom objects to work out what was heavier, we used our estimation skills to do this.

Our home corner this week was Halloween maths themed too.


We finished our ‘People around the World’ topic this week with a final visit to Japan. We painted beautiful cherry blossom trees to remember the trip.

Next week we are moving onto an exciting new topic. We will be looking at celebrations all over the world. We cannot wait to see what we learn.

We have had a very fun and busy week in P2A and love sharing everything we get up to with our readers.

We hope you enjoyed, have a great weekend 🙂


Blog – October 10th

Welcome back to the primary 2A class blog.

We have had such a busy week, here’s everything we got up to.


In literacy this week we started a new sound, we thought of lots of words with the ‘qu’ sound and wrote them in our brand new literacy jotters.

We also continued using our handwriting jotters- this week focussed on letters p, q, d and p. We enjoy using our handwriting jotters and practicing our letters.


In maths we finished our measurement of length topic by measuring objects in the classroom using our feet, hand-span, paperclips and rods. We worked in pairs and recorded the answers in our workbooks.

We also learned a new game called ‘shake and spill’. In pairs we took a handful of counters (one side is red and one side is yellow) – we take turns to take the counters, shake them in our hands and spill them on the table. From this we add the red sided counters to the yellow sided counters and reach our answer. We recorded this on a worksheet in pairs. We loved this game and creating our own addition questions using the counters.


In gymnastics this week we practiced different jumps from the bench onto mats. We learned about star jumps, straight jumps, pike jumps and tuck jumps.

Check it out.


We learned all about the Harvest festival this week and how it is celebrated. We loved watching a video about Harvest and seeing how people prepare and celebrate.


Kon’nichiwa, we had a long flight this week all the way to Japan! We learned all about the flag, traditions, clothing, language, food, sport, school, animals and landmarks.

We love visiting new countries every week and talking about the differences between all of the countries and Scotland.

We tried some Bluey karate.

We are lucky enough to be going back to Japan after the October week and make our own cherry blossom trees. If we are we might even get to try some traditional Japanese noodles.

We got some great pictures of Mount Fuji.

We learned that Japan invented a robot that wins every game of rock, paper, scissors. We played with the person next to use to see who might be able to beat the robot.

Here is lots of things that we learned about Japan this week.

Check back in after the holidays to see what we get up to.


We were lucky enough to visit the Science Centre this week. We got the chance to discover lots of new interesting things about our body, forces and space.

We also go to travel into space and see the stars, planets, and Milky Way up close!

We were so warm standing next to the sun!


Hello from space.


We made some music.



We absolutely loved our trip and getting to see experiments take place.


Some of P2A also attended the school disco this week. Miss Brodie didn’t realise how many amazing dancers were in the class!

After a busy week in Japan, the Science Centre and the school disco we are ready for a relaxing October week.

We look forward to updating you on everything new after the October holiday.

Have a lovely week off, Miss Brodie & Primary 2A 🙂

Primary 2A

Welcome back readers, we hope you had a lovely September weekend.

It has been a busy week, here’s everything we got up to…


In literacy we started our new DLL books. We learned a new sound and practiced our handwriting. We love DLL and getting to try new activities during it every week.


In maths we got creative and made a new colourful wall display. ‘Over the Measurement Rainbow’ we all got to make a cloud and measure each piece of the rainbow using cubes or centimetres. We wrote the length of each piece of paper to show the differences in length.

Look at our hard work!


Unfortunately all flights from Crookfur were cancelled this week so we have not visited a new country. However, we did discuss everything we have learned about Mexico and The Netherlands. Luckily, the food from the Netherlands was still able to make it to our classroom and we all got to try the traditional snack ‘hagelslag’ (bread with chocolate sprinkles).

Fair to say we loved this snack and it has defiantly taken the top spot, for a few of us, from our travel snacks so far.

We can’t wait to see where we go next week!

Modern Languages

Bonjour, during French this week we revisited how to say ‘hello, my name is’, ‘how are you’ and our numbers up to 10. We played a fun game to practice our counting in French. We love learning new languages and can now say ‘hello’ in French, Dutch and Spanish.


We have started making some Halloween decorations to decorate our classroom. This week we made sneaky spiders. They look great.

Thank you for reading this week’s blog, we will be back next week.

Until then, au revoir. Have a lovely weekend.