Our first week (and a bit)

Primary 2 A Class Blog

Hi everyone, apologies for the delay!

Since starting primary 2 we have been doing lots of exciting activities!

In Health and Well-Being we designed our own stars, we are going to use these to describe how we are feeling each day.

In PE we have been enjoying different types of tig and are looking forward to starting gymnastics on Monday.

We are also looking forward to starting our ‘people around the world’ topic next week.


In maths we have been learning our days of the week and months of the year. We have learned songs to help us remember them. Check out our amazing work on the wall!



Literacy and English 

We have been recapping our phonics sound ‘sh’, we had fun writing the sound in shaving foam! Helping us learn how to write the sound and practice our letter formation.



Other curricular areas

We made a Minions themed class charter, before making it we discussed the Rights of the Child and what they mean.  



We have had a great couple of weeks settling into Primary 2. We cannot wait to see what we get up to throughout the year and we are excited to give you all weekly updates on what we get up to in Primary 2 A 🙂 Have a lovely weekend everyone!