Blog- 26th September

Hello readers and happy maths weeks 🙂

This week has been very busy in primary 2A- we have been learning lots about how we use maths at home, in school and in our future job aspirations.

Health and Wellbeing

We have discussing what makes a good friend- we then filled in handprints with five qualities that make us a good friend. These are now displayed in our classroom as a friendship flower.


In maths we have been practicing our addition and subtraction in our jotters, we have been focussing how to lay out our work and answers questioning with missing numbers.

To celebrate maths week we read a new book ‘The Doorbell Rang’ – the book was all about sharing cookies amongst a varying number of characters in the group.

We participated in different task relating to our maths week book.

We practiced sharing cookies between the characters, we looked at sharing depending on the number of people at the table and practiced adding dice together to work out how many chocolate chips our cookie should get.

We have been setting ourselves maths targets at lunchtime to see how we have used maths in the dinner hall and the playground. For example: we counted 40 steps between the dinner hall and the playground, some people cut their sausage roll into 5 pieces, we counted how many hops we did in hopscotch. It was very interesting to see how we use maths out with the classroom.

We have loved maths week and discussing how important our maths skills are.


In literacy we have been practicing our ‘ng’ sound and looking at the differences between ‘ong, ing, ang, ung’.

We have also been writing sentences, focussing on who, what, when and where. DLL has been continued this week with new books and new familiar reads- we love getting to read different books every week.


We have continued working on our gymnastics skills and balances. We have been practicing balances on mats and the beams. We love trying new skills in PE.


Hallo readers. This week we took a short flight from Crookfur to the Netherlands! We learned all about the Netherlands, their traditions, food, sport, flag, school and landmarks.

We hoped on our bikes and arrived at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. We had to get our cameras out to take a picture of the beautiful Palace!

We then learned about Kings Day that is celebrated in the Netherlands- during this we learned a dance that was made for the celebrations.

We also got to try the traditional stroopwaffle- we loved them!

After a short and smooth flight we arrived back at Crookfur.

We can’t wait to continue our travels around the world next week… Where to next?

Thank you so much for reading our blog. We hope you have a lovely and relaxing September weekend. Come back next week to hear more exciting updates from Primary 2 A.

Week 5 in Primary 2A!

Hello readers, we have been super busy this week. Here’s everything we got up to…


In literacy we have been continuing to do DLL every day, we love getting to read lots of new books!

We have also been practicing how to put sentences in the correct order.

This week our new sound was ‘ng’ – we thought of lots of words that use our sound!


In maths this week we have been practicing our mental maths addition- we have played lots of fun games to do this. We also got to use the IPads – we loved using them.

We have also been looking at measure! We have been measuring different objects in the classroom using our feet and hand span. We have been practicing how to estimate the length and then checking it!


This week in gymnastics we have been practicing group balances- we got into groups and had 5 minutes to create a balance and practice. We then had to hold it for at least 10 second! We loved trying lots of different balances- our class yoga has definitely helped!



Hola! Primary 2 A took a quick trip to Mexico this week as part of our ‘People around the World’ topic! After almost missing our flight, we got our passports and boarding passes checked and found our seats on the plane. It was a smooth take off and before we knew it we had landed in sunny Mexcio!

We learned all about the Mexican culture, flag, language, traditions, school, food, sport, clothing and landmarks!  We loved our visit- especially hearing about all of the yummy food. After our quick visit we practiced our Spanish, spoke about the difference between Scotland and Mexico and agreed that we must try some Mexican food! We tried traditional guacamole we had mixed opinions but we are happy we got to try it!

We had to get out cameras out to snap a picture of the famous Chichen Itza!

After a smooth flight back to Crookfur we were already thinking about our next trip! Next week we are heading to the Netherlands and we can’t wait to learn all about another country.

Thank you for reading our blog! We hope you have enjoyed hearing everything that happened in P2A this week.

Adios readers- we will be back with an update next week, have a lovely weekend 🙂

Welcome back to the Primary 2A Blog!

This week in Primary 2A we decided to add to our home corner- by making yummy lollipops. Check them out…


We have been working on our Daily Literacy Learning (DLL), each group has worked through every task board. Well done P2A!

We have been learning the ‘cheeky sound’- ‘th’. We have been doing a lot of THinking about our sound and words with the sound in it!


We finished our days of the week, months of the year and seasons. We have also be practicing our mental maths addition with games of around the world. Next week we are starting measure, we can’t wait to measure all of the items in our classroom.

Our tuff spot has been used this week to practice saying, counting, building and writing our numbers. We wonder what the tuff spot will have next week…


With Mrs Dougall the class have been learning about the earth and seasons- we look forward to this every week.


We have been learning about people around the world and finding countries on the map. We can’t wait to learn more next week.

Other News

Our construction corner has been very bust this week! Look at our amazing creation using our blocks to make another class chocolate factory!


Thank you for reading our class blog. We are looking forward to updating you all next week with everything that goes on in Primary 2A.

Have a lovely weekend readers!

Week 3 in Primary 2A!

Hi readers, welcome to our second blog.

We have had such a fun week, learning lots of new skills and enjoying our new class chocolate factory!

Physical Education

In PE this week we started gymnastics- we loved learning how to do a forward roll, some us of can already do two in a row!


This week we started Daily Literacy Learning (DLL) – we have worked through each task board this week and have been enjoying our new books.

We have also been learning the ‘ch’ sound- we have been practicing our sound with shaving foam, memory snap and games on the active board.

We used the tuff spot to practice our common words- look at our hard work!


In numeracy this week we have been learning about the months of the year and seasons. We thought about important dates in each months to help us remember them. We realised that Primary 2A has no birthdays in June or July!

We have also been working on our number bonds to 10 and have been completing tricky calculations with missing numbers!


We began our topic this week- we discussed countries we are interested in and looked at their flags. After this we each drew a flag of the country we want to know more about – we are looking forward to finding out about lots of different countries next week.

Finally, our chocolate factory was lacking a key ingredient… chocolate! So we each designed our own chocolate bar for the factory. Check them out – they look delicious, like Mr Willy Wonka himself had designed them.


We have been making lots of amazing creations in our construction corner- look at our car garage!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sun 🙂

We can’t wait to show you everything we get up to next week,

Primary 2A 🙂

Our first week (and a bit)

Primary 2 A Class Blog

Hi everyone, apologies for the delay!

Since starting primary 2 we have been doing lots of exciting activities!

In Health and Well-Being we designed our own stars, we are going to use these to describe how we are feeling each day.

In PE we have been enjoying different types of tig and are looking forward to starting gymnastics on Monday.

We are also looking forward to starting our ‘people around the world’ topic next week.


In maths we have been learning our days of the week and months of the year. We have learned songs to help us remember them. Check out our amazing work on the wall!



Literacy and English 

We have been recapping our phonics sound ‘sh’, we had fun writing the sound in shaving foam! Helping us learn how to write the sound and practice our letter formation.



Other curricular areas

We made a Minions themed class charter, before making it we discussed the Rights of the Child and what they mean.  



We have had a great couple of weeks settling into Primary 2. We cannot wait to see what we get up to throughout the year and we are excited to give you all weekly updates on what we get up to in Primary 2 A 🙂 Have a lovely weekend everyone!