Things are getting spooky in P1C!

We have had a great first week of Term 2, we have been so busy!

We were so excited to share with our friends what we got up to during the October week. We decided to record this in our special books, drawing pictures to show our friends what we did.

In our outdoor area, we were doing lots of problem solving. We created a tunnel using various pipes and tubes of different sizes. We noticed that water was leaking out of one of the pipes so we realised that by lifting them higher, the water would continue to stream through! It required lots of team work!

We continue to engage in imaginative play in our outdoor area. This week we created our own smoothie machine with water and paint!

Exploring water in a different way, some of us were measuring how long the stream of water was by estimating how many steps it would take us to walk to the end.

In Numeracy and Maths this week, we have been focusing on number. We practise our counting to consolidate our knowledge of numbers to 10 and beyond.

We have been exploring one more and one less than, moving up and down the number line.

Number formation is so important, this is something we practise every day. We do this using whiteboards and pens, play-doh and also loose parts!

To show what we know about numbers we worked with a partner to create number posters. This encouraged lots of discussions around how we can make numbers in different ways and how they can be represented in different ways too!

Throughout Literacy, we continue to read lots of stories, making predictions about what we think is going to happen. We then demonstrate our understanding of the story be sequencing the events.

We continue to explore sounds, listening for them in words and practising letter formation.

Finding words with the same initial sound.

Finding sounds in stories and books!

In Health and Wellbeing, we explored another story from Friendship terrace. This week it was all about the importance of sharing. We shared with our class lots of examples of times we have shared with someone or someone has shared with us. It was so lovely to hear all of these stories!

We have been getting in to the spirit of Halloween and we have even started to decorate our role-play area to turn it into a Haunted House! We had a special treat on Wednesday when we made some delicious Halloween themed rice crispy cakes which were delicious. We followed the recipe really carefully, making sure they would be tasty to eat.

Fantastic work P1C! Well done for another great week 🙂 x