Sounds, Stories, Shapes and Measuring!

Hello! We have had a fantastic week of learning in P1c.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been exploring data. We know that data is really just information. We have been gathering information and sharing our results using tally marks and bar charts.

We know that it helps us if we sort the data first. Here we are sorting our cubes by colour!

We continue to build our number knowledge. Here we are working together to sequence numbers.

This week, we have been measure detectives! We worked hard to find items in our classroom that were longer than our hands, shorter than our feet and lots more!

We were able to sort ourselves in order of height!

We are working hard to consolidate our knowledge of 2D Shape. We can name shapes, sort them and make them! We have also been discussing the properties of each shape.

Within Literacy, we continue to learn new sounds. Through games such as ‘I Spy’, we are able to find items with the same initial sound. We love exploring different activities related to each sound.

Here we are making ‘c’ with cornflakes!

We know that letter formation is so important and so we make sure to practice this each day.

We search for sounds in stories!

Through helicopter stories, we love telling our own imaginative stories! We have so much fun choosing who will play the characters in our story.

To finish off our superhero topic, we have been exploring people who help us. We made a list of all of the people who help us and what they do for us.

For Art this week, we focused on Autumn. We went on a hunt around the playground to find lots of leaves. There were so many great discussions about the different colours, sizes and shapes. We used the leaves that we found to create our very own Autumn wreaths!

In our Outdoor area this week, we worked collaboratively to create a tunnel for the water. We really had to use our problem solving skills to stop the water from leaking out of any of the tubes.

We were enjoying the sun!

We continue to explore all of the classroom areas, working collaboratively with our friends.

Sometimes, we like to finish off a busy day with some dancing!! Here we are showing off our best dance moves.

Well done P1c!! I hope you all have a wonderful October week break. You have all worked so hard I can’t wait to hear about your adventures when we return xx