Working together in P1c!

Welcome back to our blog 🙂 We hope you enjoy finding out a little bit more about what we have been up to this week in P1c.

We have been exploring Dance! We have been moving our bodies in different ways and changing how we move according to the music.

We also applied what we know about patterns to our  warm up by working together to create human patterns.

In Numeracy and Maths we continue to consolidate our knowledge of number.

Here we are working together to order numbers correctly!

We have also been exploring positional language this week. We had lots of fun programming the Bee-Bots to move in certain ways. We also worked with a partner to give them clear instructions to follow using words such as above, below, behind!

Then, using what we know about positional language, we created an obstacle course in our outdoor area! We had to give our friends careful instructions of what to do.

We continue to revise our knowledge of 2D shape. We went on a shape hunt around the classroom and we managed to find all of the shapes that were hidden. We also made shape pizzas and did some shape sorting.

We have also been very busy doing lots of measuring. We have been discussing height and weight and have been using loose parts to measure various items.

In Literacy we continue to explore a range of activities which help us with our phonological awareness.

We created rhyming word posters.

We used play-doh to show the number of syllables in a range of different words.

In writing this week, we created detailed drawings to show what we do when we are with our friends. I am so impressed by how well the children can tell a story through their pictures. We all have such great ideas!

We started our new topic which is all about Superheroes!! The children are so excited and have lots of great ideas and questions.  We started off by discussing what super powers we would have, some of us wanted to be invisible, some of us wanted to have super speed and others wished that their super power would be to fly!

We then did some drama through our helicopter stories. We used our imaginations to create a superhero story which we then acted out together. The children had so much fun!!

We continue to work well together in our classroom areas.

At our water area we have been investigating whether items will float or sink. This has encouraged great discussions around materials and also measure as we have been discussing the weight of different items.

Well done P1c for another great week xx