Merry Christmas Everyone!

Welcome back to our final blog of 2020! It has been a fun-filled, festive week in Primary 1c!

We had so much fun at our Christmas party! We played lots of games, had a delicious snack and showed off lots of cool dance moves! It was so hard for Miss Wallace to choose someone as best dancer because we were all so amazing!

We couldn’t believe it when a special visitor dropped by to deliver presents for us. We were so excited to receive a book for us to enjoy over the Christmas holidays.

We have loved doing lots of Christmas crafts this week.

We created pictures of melted snowmen. We used our imaginations to come up with an interesting reason as to why our snowman would melt. Some ideas were, he was too close to the sun, he was sunbathing and another idea was that he had a hot chocolate to drink!

We made some Christmas cards! Our designs were so creative and festive!

We also made our very own Christmas tree decorations!

Wow we really have been busy!

We hope you enjoyed watching our Nativity performance. If you haven’t seen it yet it is on our Google Classroom for you to enjoy. We had so much fun making it!!

Well done boys and girls. You have all been working so hard during your time in Primary 1 so far. You all make me so proud every day! I can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store for you!

I hope you enjoy a well earned rest during the Christmas holidays. I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures when we return in the new year! I will be missing you all over the holidays!

Thank you so much for all of the lovely Christmas gifts I have received. It was so generous of you all. I am blown away by your generosity. Thank you again!! I am looking forward to enjoying all of them over the Christmas break.

Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year! Have a wonderful holiday xx



It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We have been getting in to the festive spirit this week in Primary 1C!!

On Tuesday, we had a chance to visit the present room! It was amazing! There was so much to choose from and the children loved selecting a present for someone in their family. They are all so thoughtful!

On Friday, it was Christmas jumper day! We were so excited to show off our festive jumpers! On Friday afternoon, we were able to watch an online pantomime! It has been a very exciting week!

For Christmas jumper day we also designed our own Christmas jumpers! Our designs are so creative!

We have also been practising for our Nativity show! We can’t wait for you to see it. It will be available for you to watch on our Google Classroom from Thursday!

For our writing task this week we wrote all about our class elf, Jingle. He has been getting up to lots of crazy adventures so we had to pick our favourite thing he has done and write about it.

We continue to develop our reading skills. We use our sounds to help us and we blend them together to read lots of different words.

We play ‘spin the bottle’! We love finding out who can identify the most words!

We love reading with a partner, we investigate the story to see what words we can find!

We have been using our blending skills and our knowledge of common words and story world words to write a sentence for our partner to read!

Then, Miss Wallace will read out a sentence and we have to have a go at writing it!

In Numeracy and Maths this week we have been exploring symmetry!

We know that symmetry is when the picture or object is identical on both sides.

We had to complete the other half of a picture to make it symmetrical and we also had to draw a line of symmetry on lots of different pictures.

We created symmetrical pictures!

We have also been consolidating our addition skills!

Revising number bonds!

We have been busy in our outdoor area this week! We love working collaboratively out in the garden.

Well done Primary 1c! x

Christmas has arrived in Primary 1C!

Welcome back to our blog!

We have been busy during Literacy this week!

We listen out for the initial sound in words.

We continue to use our blending skills to help us to read.

We love reading our story world books together!

We continue to practice identifying our common words and story world words. We are now trying to use them in sentences!

We are becoming so much more confident in our writing! It is amazing!

In Numeracy and Maths this week we continue to consolidate our learning of various concepts.

We explored measure!

Number doubles!

Data handling!


As well as addition. We use different strategies to help us with addition such as counting using our fingers, using a number line and counting on in our heads.

On Tuesday, we arrived at school to find an elf in our classroom! He brought with him lots of Christmas decorations for us to decorate our classroom. We were so excited!

Using what we know about data handling, we gathered ideas for what we should call him and then took a vote using tally marks. We then displayed our information in a bar chart and the name with the most votes was Jingle!

Every day this week we have been so excited coming in to find out what adventures he has been up to during the night! We have our very own ‘Elf Adventures’ booklet to record all of his crazy behaviour!

This week, we read the story ‘Stick Man’. During our outdoor time we went to the woodland to find our very own stick men. We then decorated them and created our own ‘Stick Man’ stories.

This week we have been looking at how to keep fit and healthy!

We have been exploring all of the food groups, discussing ways we can keep active and we have been sorting food in to whether they are healthy or not. We know that we are allowed our favourite treats sometimes as long as we are eating lots of healthy foods too!

We made our very own delicious fruit kebabs! We had to follow the recipe very carefully. We used lots of descriptive words such as chop, peel, slice and cut to describe what we had to do to each piece of fruit. It was lots of fun!


Fantastic work Primary 1! I wonder what Jingle will get up to over the weekend …