P1C are out of this world!

Welcome back to our blog!

In Numeracy and Maths this week we have been exploring various concepts.

We have been measuring using non-standard units such as cubes!

We ordered the towers by length, we were able to identify which one was the tallest and which was the shortest.

We have been revising our knowledge of patterns. We had to continue a pattern and also create our own.

This week we were introduced to 3D shapes! We had a chat about 3D shapes and objects we find all around us such as dice, tins and boxes.

We explored the shapes, discussed their name and their properties.

We then had to sort 3D shapes and pictures of 3D objects.

Some of us have been exploring addition using a number line this week! We have been doing lots of jumping up the number line and playing lots of addition games.

Within Literacy we continue to explore all of the single sounds.

We are working hard to remember all of them so that it helps us to blend words such as cat, dog and man.

We have been exploring our Story world books! We like to spot our sounds and we also try to spot our common/tricky words.

We have been exploring common/tricky words and have been creating sentences.

We have been writing them and we even had a go at using them in a sentence!

For our space topic this week we explored the solar system. We worked hard to identify and name all of the planets.

We then had a go at painting our own planets! We can’t wait to hang them up in our class.

We also worked together to complete a puzzle of the solar system.

In our outdoor area, we were doing lots of writing and drawing.

We created hopscotch on the playground! We had to use our number skills for this!

Well done Primary 1c for another fantastic week! You are all amazing!