When I went to Space …

It has been another busy week!

In Literacy we have been reading short stories. We have been reading detectives, spotting our common words and story world words.

We continue to explore our story world reading books.

We have also been writing sentences. We like to test our partner to see if they can read them!

Exploring rhyming stories!

Matching pictures to CVC words!

In Numeracy and Maths this week we have explored time, money and data handling as well as number.

We had to choose the correct coins to buy items.

We had to sort the days of the week in order.

We were gathering information about our favourite flavours of ice-cream. We used tally marks to note down the information and displayed our results in a bar chart.

This week for our space topic we explored the moon and astronauts.

We designed our own rockets!

We created a list of questions that we would ask an astronaut such as …

“Can I see your spacesuit?”

“Why do you float around?”

“Tell me about space travel. Can I go for a spin in your rocket?”

We had to decide what we thought was important for an astronaut to take to space!

We also did a little bit of imaginative writing. We wrote about what we thought we would see if we visited space and we also wrote what we would take to space with us!

We have now finished our Space topic! We have had so much fun learning about the sun, the moon and the stars as well as the solar system and astronauts! We have enjoyed sharing our learning and documenting it in our big book!

Another fantastic week P1c, you are all working so hard!!


Book Week Scotland and Road Safety Week!

Hello! Welcome back to our blog 🙂

It has been a busy week for us this week with Book Week Scotland and Road Safety Week!

We were so excited to receive our Book Bug Bags! We even spotted that this was an example of alliteration! We had a look through the bags together and read the book, “Brenda is a Sheep”, we loved it! We then had a big chat with our friends about our favourite book’s and what we loved about them.


The children loved showing off their hats for the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party!

It has also been Road Safety Week this week! We have had lots of fun completing  activities which help us to understand how to be safe when we are near the roads.

We had to work hard to spot the dangers, we noticed things like children playing to close to the road, people not looking before they crossed the road and people crossing the road at unsafe places.

We then looked at lots of pictures which showed us different places you might cross the road from. We had to decide which pictures were safe and which ones were not.

We created our own road safety posters using the slogan, Stop, Look and Listen!

During Literacy we continue to consolidate our knowledge of single sounds.

We use our sounds to help us to word build!

We practise our story world words and our common words! We are working hard to read and write them.

We are starting to write sentences using our common words. We use our blending skills to help us to write CVC words.

During Numeracy and Maths, we continue to build our number sense! We count forwards and backwards, order numbers and find the missing number.

We also practise our number formation!

We can identify which number is bigger and which is smaller!

We explored Time this week. We look at analogue and digital clocks. We had to match the clocks which were showing the same time!

We worked with a partner to explore number bonds to 10. We had to identify number pairs which worked together to make a total.

What a busy week! Well Done P1c!

P1C are out of this world!

Welcome back to our blog!

In Numeracy and Maths this week we have been exploring various concepts.

We have been measuring using non-standard units such as cubes!

We ordered the towers by length, we were able to identify which one was the tallest and which was the shortest.

We have been revising our knowledge of patterns. We had to continue a pattern and also create our own.

This week we were introduced to 3D shapes! We had a chat about 3D shapes and objects we find all around us such as dice, tins and boxes.

We explored the shapes, discussed their name and their properties.

We then had to sort 3D shapes and pictures of 3D objects.

Some of us have been exploring addition using a number line this week! We have been doing lots of jumping up the number line and playing lots of addition games.

Within Literacy we continue to explore all of the single sounds.

We are working hard to remember all of them so that it helps us to blend words such as cat, dog and man.

We have been exploring our Story world books! We like to spot our sounds and we also try to spot our common/tricky words.

We have been exploring common/tricky words and have been creating sentences.

We have been writing them and we even had a go at using them in a sentence!

For our space topic this week we explored the solar system. We worked hard to identify and name all of the planets.

We then had a go at painting our own planets! We can’t wait to hang them up in our class.

We also worked together to complete a puzzle of the solar system.

In our outdoor area, we were doing lots of writing and drawing.

We created hopscotch on the playground! We had to use our number skills for this!

Well done Primary 1c for another fantastic week! You are all amazing!

Mini Mudder Success!!

Welcome back to our blog! It has been another busy week in P1C.

We continue to explore new sounds. We are working hard to identify sounds in words and we are beginning to use our sounds to help us to read words such as hat, car and log.

Here we are sorting picture cards and objects by their initial sounds.

Practising letter formation to ensure we write our letters correctly,

Sounding out and writing CVC words and some tricky common words!

Playing roll and read with a partner! We work hard to sound out the words.

Finding the sounds we have learned in our story books!

During Numeracy and Maths, we continue to identify, count and sequence numbers.

Here we are working with a partner to order numbers.

Finding numbers to 20!

We have also been exploring money this week. We went on a coin hunt around the classroom to see what coins we could find.

We have also been identifying coins, sorting them and learning about the value of coins.

We even started using coins to make different amounts!

We explored data and analysis this week. We were doing some sorting and we had to identify which groups had the most/least. We sorted cubes by colour and we sorted animals based on where they live, the sea or land.

We continue to explore our classroom areas, working collaboratively with our friends.

We are so excited about our new topic which is Space! Our Halloween writing task generated lots of questions around day and night, the moon and stars so this led us to choosing Space as our new topic. Some of the things we want to learn about are the sun, the moon, the planets, aliens and astronauts!

This week we learned all about the sun! We know that the sun is a star that gives energy to earth. This also allowed us to chat about sun safety and how to keep ourselves safe when it is really hot.

We investigated how the sun shines on earth and how it shines on the moon to give us light at night time.

On Thursday we created some amazing pictures based on Bonfire Night. The children loved exploring various colours and sharing stories of firework displays they had seen.

We were lucky enough to be gifted some sand from our new family centre for our outdoor area. It was so exciting! We had lots of fun helping to empty the bags. We worked together to build sand castles and we even played the floor is lava using the bags!

It was super muddy which made the mud kitchen even more fun! We were splashing in the puddles, making mud soup and mud pies!

We created a smoothie maker again this week through our imaginative play. This week the flavour was banana! We had to mix a few of the paint colours to get the yellow just right.

Mini Mudder!!

The children had a great time doing the mini mudder this morning. It was very muddy and messy but so much fun!!

Before the muddy madness!



Well done boys and girls you did an amazing job of completing the mini mudder!!

The children are so excited to be bringing home their take home folders today. We hope you enjoy having a look through just some of the activities they have completed so far during their time in Primary 1.