Maths adventures and lots more!!

Welcome back to our blog!

As this week was Maths week, we made sure to work extra hard to explore various aspects of Numeracy and Maths both in the classroom and outdoors.

In our outdoor area we went on a shape hunt. We made a list of the shapes we might find such as a circle, square, triangle and rectangle.


We explored volume, deciding whether containers were full or empty.

We continue to explore Time, particularly, days of the week, months of the year and seasons. We had a great chat about things that we do throughout the day. We made a list of things we do in the morning, afternoon and at night.

We explored measure, particularly weight and volume. Using various containers of different sizes, we were able to discuss empty and full.

Using a two-pan balance, we were able to estimate how heavy or light lots of different items would be.  We were then able to organise items into heavy or light.

We continue to build our number sense by counting, finding the missing number and exploring numbers before and after.

In Literacy, we continue to explore sounds through lots of practical activities. Each time we learn a new sound, we go on a hunt around our classroom to find items that begin with that sound, for example pencil for ‘p’ or scissors for ‘s’. We always find lots of items.

We did some printing with peppers and paint!

We find words with the initial sound.

Practising letter formation!

For our writing this week, we completed detailed drawings of what we would do as a superhero. The possibilities were endless!

This week for our superhero topic, we explored forces! We know that lots of the toys we play with have different forces. Some can be pushed and some can be pulled. They can also roll, bounce, slide and stretch.

Using some wooden ramps and cars, we quickly learned that the higher we held the ramp, the faster the cars would go. We knew that if the ramp was sitting flat, we would have to give the cars a push with great force for them to move quickly. Lots of collaborative working was going on!

During Circle Time, we focused on Friendship. Using Friendship Terrace we are able to explore some of the things that might happen with our friends which allows us discuss the qualities we look for in a friend. We decided to create a whole class poster to show what we think makes a good friend.  We then completed portraits of our friends!

We finished off our week with a lovely Friday afternoon in the garden!

Well done P1C for another fantastic week x