Drawing and Seasons

We experienced some technical difficulties with uploading photos onto the blog last week and this still seems to the case this week so apologies, there are no photos 🙁

Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about Drawing, specifically line drawing. We have discussed the different types of lines we can draw and what they are called. We had a go at drawing a variety of lines and then designed a t-shirt using the skills we have learned. This week we drew a portrait of ourselves and focusing on the different features of our faces and the types of lines we would need to include in our portrait, e.g. a curved line for eyebrows and a wavy line for hair.

As part of our topic, The Zoo, we wanted to learn about animals that can camouflage. We discussed different types of animals who camouflage and also why they camouflage. We then chose the pattern on an animal who can camouflage and painted that twice. This let us cut out our animal and glue it onto the pattern showing how it can’t be seen against its background.

We have also been learning about the seasons and are beginning to develop our understanding of what happens in each season. There has been lots of discussion and it has been lovely hearing stories about playing with leaves and collecting them.

We have also been practising the months of the year and are doing this through song and sorting the months. We will continue to revisit the vocabulary and progress onto the days of the week and Time, learning o’clock.

Hopefully our blog will be back to normal next week and we can share some photos of the amazing experiences happening in P1B!