This week we chose our new topic in class. We have all shown a keen interest in lots of different animals including pets. We discussed our interests together and have chosen The Zoo as our new topic. We have each drawn a picture of something we would like to learn about a particular animals and stuck this into our ‘Big Book’ which we will create together as we explore The Zoo.
This week we have learned three new sounds, ‘i’, ‘p’ and ‘n’.
We are continuously revisiting the previous sounds learned and have been doing this through various activities in class. Everyday we listen to a story and a song associated with the sound and learn a new action. We have also been practising writing each sound we have learned.
We have enjoyed taking the writing we’ve been learning and experimenting with it in our play.
We have continued learning about different ways to move our body and keep fit in PE. This week we had a different activity to complete at different stations in the PE hall.
We had to complete a star jump then a tuck jump continuously for one minute.
Using our feet and bottoms only we had to row our boat across the floor. This was very sore on our legs!
We balanced along the benches.
And rolled across the floor, either in the shape of a barrel or as a sausage.