Book Week Scotland and The Zoo

This week we celebrated Book Week Scotland. We were very excited to visit the library on Thursday morning and we all did so well walking to and from the library. We had a great time and found the Librarian and her ‘eyebrows of doom’ very funny. We joined in with some songs and enjoyed listening to two of the stories from our Bookbug Family Bag.

In the afternoon we joined our P6 Buddies who helped us to write a book review about one of the books we listened to at the library. We had to give it a score out of five and discuss our favourite part of the story and why we enjoyed that part so much. We also had to think of another ending for the story. We did this with the help of our Buddies who wrote down our wonderful ideas and helped with our drawings based on the book.

Our topic, The Zoo, is starting to come to an end. This week were learning about the different habitats on the animals who live in a zoo and considering how similar or different this is to a habitat in the wild. We explored various pictures and then wrote our thoughts down in our floorbook.