Literacy and Exploring

In Literacy each week we focus on a range of skills and our targets are based on developing these skills.

We have been playing games to help us learn common words. We had to put the counter on the common word we heard.

We have also been developing our reading skills through matching the word to the picture. We had to sound out and blend the word and then find the picture that matched it.

We are learning to write through Drawing Club. This week our writing was based on Superworm. We read the story and begun the week by drawing Superworm. We have also drawn his super base and then today we drew a monster coming to town to get Superman. This is allowing us to think about the character in a story, the setting and also an adventure could take place. We are all working really hard to write some words or a sentence based on our drawing.


Over the past couple of weeks we have been discussing what we would like in the play areas. Some suggestions were a restaurant, a cosy corner, softer and larger blocks, a colour chart, Junk Modelling and a rocket ship. We are gradually introducing all of the ideas to the areas. Here we are exploring some of this…




Book Week Scotland and The Zoo

This week we celebrated Book Week Scotland. We were very excited to visit the library on Thursday morning and we all did so well walking to and from the library. We had a great time and found the Librarian and her ‘eyebrows of doom’ very funny. We joined in with some songs and enjoyed listening to two of the stories from our Bookbug Family Bag.

In the afternoon we joined our P6 Buddies who helped us to write a book review about one of the books we listened to at the library. We had to give it a score out of five and discuss our favourite part of the story and why we enjoyed that part so much. We also had to think of another ending for the story. We did this with the help of our Buddies who wrote down our wonderful ideas and helped with our drawings based on the book.

Our topic, The Zoo, is starting to come to an end. This week were learning about the different habitats on the animals who live in a zoo and considering how similar or different this is to a habitat in the wild. We explored various pictures and then wrote our thoughts down in our floorbook.

The Zoo and PE

Yay, we have photos back 🙂

As part of our class topic, The Zoo, we have been learning about the role of the Zookeeper. We watched a short video which explained the importance of a Zookeeper and the different jobs they may do within the zoo. We then discussed what we had learned and listed the importance jobs of a Zookeeper.

We then imagined ourselves as Zookeepers. We drew a picture of ourselves carrying out a job of the zookeeper and then some of us had a go at writing an explanation of what we were doing in the picture.

The following day we took out learning further by acting our the role of a Zookeeper. We took it in turns to act out a job and we had to guess what they were doing. We had to consider the size of the animal we were looking after and also what their habitat might look like.


Feeding the something very small                         Petting a tiger

Stroking a giraffe

Looking after something that is long and yellow

Cleaning an animal’s habitat

In PE we have completed our block of learning on Fitness and Object Control. On Thursday we brought this learning together and considered different ways we are moving our bodies with an object.

We rolled a ball around the cone with our hands and then tried dribbling it with our feet. Some of us found it tricky to stop the ball so we discussed different ways we could do this to ensure we didn’t lose control of the ball. We then balanced the bean bag on our head and different parts of our body. We have done this before but this time we were able to move a lot quicker whilst still balancing the bean bag.

Drawing and Seasons

We experienced some technical difficulties with uploading photos onto the blog last week and this still seems to the case this week so apologies, there are no photos 🙁

Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about Drawing, specifically line drawing. We have discussed the different types of lines we can draw and what they are called. We had a go at drawing a variety of lines and then designed a t-shirt using the skills we have learned. This week we drew a portrait of ourselves and focusing on the different features of our faces and the types of lines we would need to include in our portrait, e.g. a curved line for eyebrows and a wavy line for hair.

As part of our topic, The Zoo, we wanted to learn about animals that can camouflage. We discussed different types of animals who camouflage and also why they camouflage. We then chose the pattern on an animal who can camouflage and painted that twice. This let us cut out our animal and glue it onto the pattern showing how it can’t be seen against its background.

We have also been learning about the seasons and are beginning to develop our understanding of what happens in each season. There has been lots of discussion and it has been lovely hearing stories about playing with leaves and collecting them.

We have also been practising the months of the year and are doing this through song and sorting the months. We will continue to revisit the vocabulary and progress onto the days of the week and Time, learning o’clock.

Hopefully our blog will be back to normal next week and we can share some photos of the amazing experiences happening in P1B!