Patterns and Painting

This week we have been learning about pattern. We have discussed where we see patterns around us including in clothes and on buildings and also explored the various patterns on animals.

We showed that we were able to copy a pattern whether it was based on colour only or colour and shape.

We will continue to explore this next week when we create our own patterns and discuss how animals use their pattern to camouflage themselves.

We have started learning more about The Zoo and this week we chose an animal that we would like to paint for our display. We used pictures, books and some of the toy animals to help us add the finer details to our art work.

We then took this learning and independently started drawing other animals in the creative area.

We are becoming more and more independent in our play also and continue to enjoy exploring the various areas in the room.



Mrs Agnew managed to capture this moment where we are pretending we are on a flight and are listening to the safety briefing before take off 🙂