This week we have been learning the sounds ‘s’ ‘a’ and ‘t’.
We been sorting pictures based on the sound they start with and have enjoyed finding the clues in class to help us work out which sound we will be learning. Next week we will learn another three sounds 🙂
We have also been focussing on our number formation and practised writing the number on a whiteboard on the carpet before completing our individual target.
In Health and Wellbeing we are learning about a Growth Mindset. We discussed things that we find hard and how our response to finding something hard can actually help us get better at it. Mrs Agnew had forgotten how to put her jacket on and asked for the help of P1B. Together we worked out that my jacket was inside out and how we could fix that and how to put the jacket on properly and zip it up.
We then had a go ourselves and it was lovely to see so many of our friends helping if our zip was stuck or we found it a little tricky!
We have been exploring the construction area and resources more and more and this week lots of us demonstrated creativity through out buildings and structures.
“I made the Eiffel Tower.”
“This is a world destroyer.”
“I made Stick Man.”
“Look at my Haribo train I made.”
Off to the beach with matching necklaces 🙂