Maths Week Scotland and time with our Buddies

This week we have been celebrating Maths Week Scotland and think about all things number! Our main skill was counting backwards from 10 and to help us with this we read the story ‘Ten Terrible Dinosaurs’. The story got us thinking about what actually happens when we count backwards and to help us understand this we acted out the story with some dinosaurs from our class.

We used ten frames to further our understanding. We filled the ten frame with counters and took one counter away at a time. We also placed a certain number of counters in our ten frame and discussed strategies we could use to make a different amount. We have been learning the terms ‘1 more’ and 1 less’.

We then worked with a partner to build towers with the multilink cubes. We started by building a tower with 10 cubes, then 9 and so on. We could see the towers getting smaller each time. Some of us counted our towers or measured them against another one to check they were correct.

We also explored counting backwards with Numicon and some number lines in our tuff spot.

We demonstrated our understanding of counting backwards from ten by completing an activity where we had to fill in the missing numbers. Some of us found this quite challenging as we had to really think about which number was missing.

We ended our week using the iPads to correctly order the numbers on the caterpillar, backwards of course!

As much as we loved celebrating Maths Week Scotland the highlight of our week was a visit from our buddies. The buddies had written their own non-fiction books as part of their learning and wanted to share them with us. We loved spending time with them!


Sounds and Fitness

This week we chose our new topic in class. We have all shown a keen interest in lots of different animals including pets. We discussed our interests together and have chosen The Zoo as our new topic. We have each drawn a picture of something we would like to learn about a particular animals and stuck this into our ‘Big Book’ which we will create together as we explore The Zoo.

This week we have learned three new sounds, ‘i’, ‘p’ and ‘n’.

We are continuously revisiting the previous sounds learned and have been doing this through various activities in class. Everyday we listen to a story and a song associated with the sound and learn a new action. We have also been practising writing each sound we have learned.

We have enjoyed taking the writing we’ve been learning and experimenting with it in our play.

We have continued learning about different ways to move our body and keep fit in PE. This week we had a different activity to complete at different stations in the PE hall.

We had to complete a star jump then a tuck jump continuously for one minute.

Using our feet and bottoms only we had to row our boat across the floor. This was very sore on our legs!

We balanced along the benches.

And rolled across the floor, either in the shape of a barrel or as a sausage.




Numbers and Building

This week we have been learning the sounds ‘s’ ‘a’ and ‘t’.

We been sorting pictures based on the sound they start with and have enjoyed finding the clues in class to help us work out which sound we will be learning. Next week we will learn another three sounds 🙂

We have also been focussing on our number formation and practised writing the number on a whiteboard on the carpet before completing our individual target.

In Health and Wellbeing we are learning about a Growth Mindset. We discussed things that we find hard and how our response to finding something hard can actually help us get better at it. Mrs Agnew had forgotten how to put her jacket on and asked for the help of P1B. Together we worked out that my jacket was inside out and how we could fix that and how to put the jacket on properly and zip it up.

We then had a go ourselves and it was lovely to see so many of our friends helping if our zip was stuck or we found it a little tricky!

We have been exploring the construction area and resources more and more and this week lots of us demonstrated creativity through out buildings and structures.


“I made the Eiffel Tower.”


“This is a world destroyer.”

“I made Stick Man.”


“Look at my Haribo train I made.”

Off to the beach with matching necklaces 🙂

PE and Writing

We have had a wonderful week in P1B and all of the children have very much adjusted to the routine of the school day. We are beginning to discuss what we would like in the areas of our classroom and also what we would like to learn about…watch this space!

On Monday we managed to avoid the rain and enjoyed PE in the MUGA. We are learning about Fitness and different ways we can move our body to help keep us fit.

We enjoyed exploring different ways we could move the hula hoop with our bodies.

We then practised throwing balls into the hoops. We started off with the hoops quite close to us but then made it trickier by moving them further away.

We finished off the lesson by thinking about balancing. We moved around the MUGA and had to stay on the white line.

On Thursday in the hall, we are practising our object control. The objects we used were bean bags. We had to find different parts of our bodies that the bean bags would stay on and then challenged ourselves to moving around the hall with the bean bag balanced.

On Friday in class, we played a game were we balanced the bean bags on our hands and passed it from to the person next to us. When the music stopped, if we had the bean bag we had to run round the circle. It turned into a lovely team building exercise as we all cheered the person on who was running.

In writing we are focusing on adding detail to our drawings. This week we are thinking about our hands. We completed our drawings based on a sentence and had to think about where our hands are and what they are doing in the picture.

On Friday when we were tidying up we all loved the song that much we started dancing once our classroom was tidy. Look at all those happy faces!