plant observations, fact files and creative designs

Our sunflower seeds are growing well at the window and have been a great stimulus for discussion each morning as the children discuss the tallest shoots, how dry the soil looks and what the weather will be like for the day.

The magnetic tiles have been a big hit this week and some interesting designs and patterns have been explored as the children play. Here are some of the photos they have taken themselves.

We have been practising counting in 2s and completing missing number sequences that go up and down in 2s.,

We have been working on our spelling, handwriting and phonics  and Mrs Denholm has been very pleased with our progress.

We have been learning all about polar bears and seals, developing some new and interesting vocabulary along the way. It has helped tremendously with our writing as we have written a fact file for each animal we have been learning about.

We had lots of fun exploring the woodland area just beyond our garden, climbing trees, swinging on the tyre swing and discovering lots of different bugs.

We have also led our own learning as we play with our friends and develop new skills on a daily basis.

As always, have a lovely weekend! I very much look forward to next week, which will be my last week with the pupils, before I go off on maternity leave.

Mrs Denholm x