Planting and Learning Alternative Sounds

It might be a short week, but we have had a busy week full of learning!

Over the last few weeks, we have been exploring Plants. We have planted sunflower seeds and cress seeds.

We have also learnt about the life cycle of plants! Everyday, we come to our garden centre to water the plants and to observe if they have had any changes.

We have been working on securing our knowledge for 2D and 3D shapes. We have been comparing and contrasting their properties.


Everyday we do speedy calculations for addition and subtraction to help our mental maths skills!

We are becoming more confident to recognise the time for o’clock and half past.

In the tuff spot, we have revisited how to weigh objects. We were comparing objects that were the lightest and heaviest.

In Literacy, we continue to explore phonemes and their alternative sounds!

We went on a sound hunt! We had to find things in our classroom that matched the sounds on our worksheet.

We have authors and illustrators in our class! We created our own posters and guess what – we were the illustrators!

What a busy week it has been! We cannot wait for the long weekend. Have a great holiday everyone. See you on Tuesday!