Alternative Sounds, Ramadan, Creating Animal Holes!

Another busy week in Primary 1!

We continue to explore non-fiction texts to find new information and interesting facts. We are becoming secure at being able to use the contents page to locate information, now we are beginning to learn about the index page!

We have began learning about alternative sounds. This week we focused on the different ways you can make the ai sound.

We made flowers and filled them with different ai words!

As we are building an awareness of alternative sounds, it is important that we can easily recognise the different sounds in stories or sentences.

Building on Instructional Writing, this week we wrote instructions about how to make a Jam sandwich.

We are becoming more secure at using different openers for each sentence and making sure we number each new instruction.

Number bonds, addition and subtraction! At the tuff spot, we were using playing cards to match, sort, add and subtract!

It is important when we gather information, we know how to analyse it and present it! This week, we asked our friends what their favourite snack is and recorded the information using tally marks.

Yay! We can recognise, read and write the time for o’clock! We continue to work on recognising half past.

As it is Ramadan, we have been learning the importance of Ramadan and what it entails.

Boys and Girls, noticed Miss Amin no longer eating or drinking and were fascinated to learn about Ramadan.

We made Ramadan Lanterns.

Ramadan Lanterns are a symbolism of hope.

In the woodland area, we noticed there were only a few animals holes. What did we do?


Next week is a short week, but an exciting one where we will be starting our new topic… SPACE! How exciting!

Have a fabulous weekend superstars!