Sports Day, Diversity Week, Phases of the Moon and Measuring/Weighing

Last week, we had a fantastic time during Sports week. If you haven’t already, check our google classroom to watch our Sports Day Video.

Here are some other pictures from Sports Day!

To decorate our MUGA for sports day, we painted HUGE posters!

In Maths, we have been exploring non-standard units to measure and weigh objects. We used paper clips, cubes and pencils! We were creative in the objects that we measured and weighed. Have a look!

To celebrate Diversity week, we created paintings using henna, we learnt about flags across the world and we learnt about foods from around the world such as Roti.

With Miss Burdge, we made bracelets and necklaces using clay. We explored the variety of jewellery that is worn by people around the world such as Mexico, France and India.

During our Woodland experiences, we went on a Mini-Beast hunt.

Our Space topic has came to an end. Before we finished, we learnt about the phases of the moon.

We are nearly at the end of Primary One. How did this time come by so fast! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to your last week of Primary One!


Our Space Topic and Global Festival Week!

Throughout our Space topic, we have been exploring the Solar System and more!

Miss Amin gave us a challenge to create a rocket using 2D Shapes. We had to solve which pieces work together to form a rocket.

With perseverance, we did it!

We used our imagination to create amazing stories. After we read ‘The First Hippo on the Moon’ by David Walliams, we wrote our own story and pretended to be a Hippo. We used tricky words and used openers to link our ideas together.

Using chalk and a variety of art techniques, we created our own Nebulla. A Nebulla is a cloud of dust and gas which begins to form a star.

Using our imagination, we created our own Spaceships! After learning about the International Space Station in Nasa, we wanted to create our own. We created signs, labels and read non-fiction books within our Space Station dens.

It took teamwork, patience, communication and super problem solving skills!

We came to school one day and realised Miss Amin had put a pump within our tuff spot! We created a stable and safe structure around the pump to ensure it does not fall.

We played, told stories and extended our vocabulary whilst exploring under the sea fishes!

To celebrate our Global Festival Week, we explored a variety of cultures, traditions and religions.

We used Playdough to re-create traditional ‘Chapattis’.

During our Eid Party we learnt about Bollywood Dancing. Thanks to P3a, we had the opportunity to practise our Bollywood dance moves again.

Not only that, we read Scottish Stories and learnt how to write some words in Urdu! Lastly, we created flags from around the world.

It was lovely learning about different cultures. We can’t wait to see what else we will learn about!

On Monday we have our class photos, therefore, we will not have outdoor learning or PE on Monday! Have a great weekend superstars!