Can you tell we had the best time in Woodland?
The more mud we have splattered on us (including our faces), means the more fun we had!
We were climbing and reaching heights we didn’t think was possible!
We explored different sizes of branches and found this humongous branch! We used it to balance on in the mud.
We made a mud slide!
At the end, we washed our hands, clothes and wellies. Thank you to everyone for giving our wellies a good wash at home and for returning them back to school!
We cannot wait for Mini Mudders tomorrow!!
As we have nearly reached the end of learning our sounds, we are now learning how to blend words like cat, dog and mop.
We are trying to quickly find an initial sound when Miss Amin shouts it!
We continue to practise our letter formation to ensure we are writing our letters correctly.
To show we can read a word, we have to confer with our friends to make sure it is correct.
In Maths, we also continue to work on our number formation!
We have been learning how to solve questions which include ‘more than’ or ‘less then’.
We have became familiar with our school routine! We have began learning about time (o’clock) and can recognise certain times throughout the day. For example at 3 o’clock we begin to get ready for home time.
We made our own clocks!
We have been using concrete materials to explore addition. We are super stars at being able to add amounts to 5 mentally!
We will also show you another blog tomorrow so you can see our Mini Mudders extravaganza and see all the learning we have been exploring focused on Bonfire Night.
Get loads of rest tonight and be prepared for an exciting day tomorrow!