This week we have celebrated Maths Week Scotland where we have spoken about the importance of numbers and maths within our daily lives and have used lots of stories to help us with our learning. We based many of our activities around the story Ten Terrible Dinosaurs which we enjoyed reading and acting out together. It supported us with counting backwards and recognise number names to ten.
We have played games, completed jigsaws, ordered numbers and used a number line to develop our understanding further. We all voted for our favourite dinosaur and completed a table using tally marks which we later turned into a pictogram.
We have practised writing our numbers starting at the correct point and enjoyed playing some number games on the ipads. Here are some pictures of our learning…
We were also very excited to welcome our buddies down to the class to listen to stories they had created. Here are some pictures of us with our buddies…
Have a lovely long weekend and I will see you all on Tuesday to hear about your adventures.
Love Mrs Denholm x