sounds, missing numbers and astronaut adventures…

This week we have started learning our first three sounds ‘s, a and t’ through jolly phonics. We now know a song to help us remember these sounds (which you can find online) an action for each sound and even started to blend these sounds together to make the words at and sat. We have started looking at reading books and took our time to refresh our knowledge on how to look after the book, different aspects of print concept and had a good go at predicting the story based on the picture clues.

We have continued to develop our number knowledge and have been working on identifying the missing numbers.

We are thoroughly enjoying our learning of all things space and have thought about some questions we would ask an astronaut if we were to meet one. Mrs Denholm is going to teach us a little more next week about the important job of an astronaut.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

Mrs Denholm x