Yesterday we had a STEM challenge – to create a Roman onager (catapult) using just some elastic bands, lollipop sticks and a spoon. We had 15 minutes to try to work it out in groups.
We learned that catapults work using potential and kinetic energy.
This group are starting to try and put a catapult together.
Harry knows that the energy is stored in the elastic bands – can you tell he is thinking? Myra is trying to build a base for the catapult.
Murdo and Lucas having a go.
Jamie, Olivia and Mehr are trying hard too.
After a while of trying ourselves – and getting pretty close – Mrs Grieve showed us how to make her version. We discussed that we really needed a growth mindset for this challenge. It was really tricky, but we had to keep trying and learn from our mistakes.
Next we had a competition to see which group could fire the ball the furthest.