In French we have been learning how to say the different types of weather.
We had a treat this week, we got to watch the dress rehearsal of the Primary 4’s show. It was really good and everybody said their parts clearly.
In P.E we have been learning athletics. We have been working on our throwing, jumping and skipping skills. We had skipping stations, long jump, javelin, shot put, hurdles and a balance and hoping obstacle course. With the high school teachers we were doing dance.
In literacy and English we were writing a description in Scots language of ‘My wee dug’. We described our dog and what it likes to do. In reading we have been learning how to answer literal questions.
In maths the hexagons have been learning to round numbers to the nearest and estimate the answer. The squares have been learning numbers up to a hundred and tens and units. The triangles have been learning about greater than and less than and equals. The circles have been working on addition to 15 and finding the missing number in a calculation.
In science we started learning about forces. We went around the classroom and experimental with different games and activities and discussed whether we had to push or pull (or both) the objects to make them move. We categorised the items into a Venn diagram.
In music we have been learning the ‘Jelly Piece Song’ as part of our Scottish topic.
In ICT we have been making a Powerpoint all about me. We were working on the family page this week.
In R.M.E we were learning about what is inside and outside the church and what it is used for and represents.