On Friday at assembly the p4s were telling us about Christmas around the world. They told us about France, Mexico, Germany, Australia and Britain. It was a great assembly with lots of songs!
We have been learning about Data Handling in Maths and Numeracy. We carried out a survey around the school of favourite Christmas songs. We recorded the number of votes and put them on a bar chart. We also made a pictogram and a bar graph out of our snacks. We put them into different groups (sweets, chocolate etc.). We also sorted foods that we would have in a typical day into a pictogram under different categories (Protein, Carbohydrates etc.).
In ICT we have been making Christmas cards on paint. We created 3D shapes to make presents.
In language we have been answering literal questions on texts. We also created acrostic Christmas poems.
In P.E we were working in teams and played a variety of games. With Mr. McMillan we did throwing and catching games and had a House boccia tournament.