EWHCF Class of 2024

Masterchef(s) in 1c!


Primary 1c have been learning about instructional writing! We know to use numbers when we create a new step and to use openers. We have created instructions for making a jam sandwich and for making cookies. To help aid our writing, we learnt the importance for note taking. As we watched a tutorial on how to make a jam sandwich and cookies, we were taking notes to help us remember what ingredients and equipment were used.


After we created our note taking and recipes for making cookies, we had the amazing opportunity to make some! We used all of our measuring skills that we have been learning in maths to measure different ingredients. Also, we were weighing, mixing, spreading and kneading whilst making cookies. 1C are the next upcoming bakers for sure (Well done!).


We were slicing butter that was left in room temperature so it was easy for us to slice.

We then measured flour that needed to be folded in within the creamy butter.




After the flour was folded within the butter, we then sieved in icing and mixed it in too.


After everything came together, we added our final ingredients and then put our mix in to the fridge to set. After it was in the fridge for 15 minutes, we  made icing and kneaded the cookie dough to cut out our shapes.




After all our hard work, we patiently waited until our cookies were cooked until they were golden brown. Finally, we enjoyed eating them. Yum!


That is not all because today 1c had the opportunity to make a fruit salad! We explored how to cut a variety of fruits carefully whilst following a recipe for our fruit salad! Tomorrow we will be using this learning experience to inform our writing.





We were able to show our amazing cutting skills! Look at what we created… it looks so tasty and tasted even better!


After lunchtime, we got to share stories about our favourite teddy, sang songs and had the opportunity to play with all the teddies everyone brought in! And of course, eat our delicious snacks created by ourselves!



We will continue to have learning experiences related to cooking and baking. Well done 1C for all your hard work. You are definitely Masterchefs!




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