EWHCF Class of 2024

P2B Class Blog Friday 1st March 2019


In Literacy and English we have been learning about fact and opinion.  Fact is when you can prove that something is true and opinion is what people think ad this can be different.

In writing, Mr. McMillan’s groups were using Wow words to describe our senses.  We had a picture of a scene and we had to imagine we were there and think about what we could see, hear, smell and touch/ feel.  Miss Murchie’s group were writing about what we would do if w were King or Queen for the day.  We used connectives in our writing.

In music we were practising our Jeely Piece Song and Caledonia.

We went to the cafeteria and we made some Empire Biscuits.  We used flour, jam, icing sugar and biscuits to make them.  We had to mix the water and icing sugar to make the icing sugar.

In Maths and Numeracy we did some problem solving.  We worked in groups of 9 where each person had a number from 1-9.  We had to split our group of 9 into 3 groups of 3 so that each group made had a total of 15 when they added their numbers together.  When we achieved this we then had other totals to make.  The hexagons have been learning about volume and then symmetry.  The squares and triangles have been measuring weight in grams and kilograms.  The circles have been learning about instructions for directions.

In P.E with the high school teachers we were playing games to develop our throwing and catching skills.

At our morning assembly today the Primary 1s did an assembly about toys.  They told us all about what they learned about toys.  We thought the assembly was excellent!

In ICT we have been learning about computer safety.  In R.M.E we have been learning about Moses.

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