EWHCF Class of 2024

June 8, 2020
by Mrs Agnew

Remote Learning 27.5.20 and 1.6.20

It has been another busy couple of weeks across both P3 classes. The weather has been beautiful and lots of us have shared stories about how we have spent our time.  We have been having water fights, making pizzas, riding our bikes, going for long walks, splashing in paddling pools and enjoying BBQs.  We are still showing our creative side.  Here are just some of things we have been doing…


We completed some imaginative writing this week and described what happened next to the Baboon. We watched the short film about the Baboon on the Moon.  His job was to turn the moon on each night.  He was however lonely as nobody else lived on the moon with him.  Our stories were very creative and some examples are below…



For Health and Wellbeing, Mrs Eddie posted a task which got us thinking about what we would like to do after lockdown.  We created bucket lists and some of us put wishes into a jar.  When lockdown is finished and life starts to return to normal, we will pick one wish out of the jar each week and complete it.  There were some very similar ideas in our buckets lists and almost everyone has mentioned seeing their friends again.  There were some other great ideas too.  Some of our bucket lists are below…

We have continued to learn new sounds in spelling each week and over the past two weeks we have been focusing on silent letters.  We have learned about silent ‘b’ and silent w’.  Mrs Agnew, Mrs Grieve and Mr McMillan have been so impressed with our active spelling ideas we wanted to share some of them with you.

We are both enjoying our class novels and hope to have these finished by the end of term.

Primary 3a are reading Mr Stink

Primary 3b are reading James and the Giant Peach

If you have missed any of the recordings you will be able to find them by looking back on the stream.


Next week is Sports Week so look out for our next blog detailing everything we got up to!

May 24, 2020
by Mrs Agnew

Remote Learning 18.5.20


This week we have went a little Viking mad!!!

We were tasked with creating our own Viking shield or drawing a Viking longboat. Mrs Agnew, Mrs Grieve and Mr McMillan were so impressed with our creativity.  We have really used our imagination and produced some wonderful pieces of art using paint, sequins, tinfoil, lollipop sticks and so much more! Some of us even put a symbol on our shield to represent ourselves.  There were so many fantastic examples that it was hard to choose some for our blog.  Here are just examples of our work however everyone put in such a huge effort…


Mental Health Week

This week is also marks Mental Health week and each day we have been answering questions from our teachers around feeling happy, thankful and also kindness. At the end of the week, some of us completed a gratitude scavenger hunt to show what we were grateful for.  Here are some of our examples…

Something that makes me happy…computer, pets, lego, sweets and seeing friends.

Something that makes other people smile…a note saying ‘I love you’, sharing toys or sweets with our siblings and flowers.

Something I love to smell…candle, perfume, chocolate, fresh air and cherry sweets.

Something I enjoy looking at…TV, hills, trees, pictures of family and pets.

Something that is my favourite colour…blue shorts, pink rabbit toy, orange on a pets fur, blue lego tower and the blue sky.

Something that I am thankful for in nature…animals, woods to play in, plants and trees, growing sunflowers and sunny days.

Something that can be used to making a gift for someone…baking ingredients, heart pictures, a piece of string or a cardboard box.

Something that is useful…mathematical instruments, iPad, pencils and rubbers, pets, cutlery and a ukelele.

It isn’t always easy to remember everything we have. It is important to stop and think about all the good things around us.  Even something as simple as cutlery helps to make our lives that little bit easier!



This week we focused on descriptive language by writing about the activities we like to do.  We used adjectives and verbs to add detail and description to our writing. Here is some of our work…

What else have we been up to?

We are loving lego at the moment.  Here is Christopher’s lego table which he made to eat his lunch and Arjun has begun building a lego city.  We are looking forward to seeing the completed pictures Arjun.

Alfie B baked a cake for his Dad’s birthday, doesn’t it look amazing?

Whilst Daisy has been busy growing some fruits in her house.

It has been a quick week and P3 are still showing how resilient and courageous we really are…keep smiling!

May 18, 2020
by Mrs Agnew

Remote Learning 11.5.20

It has been such a quick week and we have been super busy in Primary 3!

For Minibeasts this week we studied their anatomies.  Mrs Agnew shared information about her caterpillars and their process to become butterflies.  Some of us drew and labelled the anatomy of a butterfly whilst some of us picked our own Minibeast and completed a little research to find out their body parts.  Look at all of our wonderful work…

Amy has been Minibeast hunting this week and found a caterpillar all curled up…

And…Mrs Agnew’s caterpillars finally emerged from their chrysalides as butterflies.  Here are a couple of pictures when they were released into Mrs Agnew’s garden.

This week we learned about the clothes that Vikings wore.  Their clothes were made from wool, linen and animal skin.  The Vikings made their own clothes and made the wool into yarn and then used natural dyes from plants to give their clothes colour.  Men wore tunics and trousers and women wore a long dress with a pinafore over it.  Their clothes were fastened with belts and brooches.  Here are some of our Vikings…

This week in French we learning about fruits.  Mrs Nasar posted flashcards with the names of different fruits in French and we then had a crossword to complete.  We listened to The Very Hungry Caterpillar in French to help us.  Murdo posted a picture of some French fruits he has drawn and labelled…

For Maths, we enjoyed trying to beat Mrs Grieve with Addition to 10, Addition to 20 and Mixed Multiplication.  We had some pretty good scores but I don’t think any of us managed to beat Mrs Grieve…yet!!!

As always, we are very good at keeping ourselves busy at home.  Here are just some of the things we have been doing…

Murdo has been learning to play chess.  Chess is a very tricky game to master, well done Murdo 🙂

Alfie B has made some very yummy ice lollies…

Heena made some equally yummy looking butter biscuits with icing and sprinkles…

She also shared this very colourful picture about Ramadan.

We have continued with our comprehension work this week.  As one of the passages was about snakes, Ava thought she would share this picture of her neighbour’s pet python called Sage.  Sage is 5 years old and looks very comfortable with Ava.


May 18, 2020
by Mrs Agnew

Remote Learning 4.5.20

It is a shorter week this week but it hasn’t stopped Primary 3 being busy bees!

This week we started our new topic about the Vikings.  Here is some of things we want to learn about:

  • When did they live?
  • What food did they eat?
  • Why did they come here?
  • What did they wear?
  • How did they travel?
  • What language did they speak?
  • Why did they like stealing things?
  • Why did they decorate their ships to look like horses?
  • Which country did they come from?
  • Who were the most famous Vikings?

We are definitely an inquisitive bunch!!!


As part of our Minibeasts topic, we looked at classifying Minibeasts. This means putting them into different groups based on different information about them.

Daisy got a new pet which links to our Minibeast topic. Here is a picture of her Queen Ant.  She has promised to upload pictures when she lays her eggs.

Christopher also spotted a butterfly whilst out in his garden. Thank you for sharing this…

Mrs Agnew also posted some pictures of her caterpillars as chrysalides.  They are magically turning into butterflies inside their chrysalide.

Some of us have been keeping ourselves very busy at home.  Here are just some of the pictures of what we have been up to this week…

Alfie B baked a white chocolate cheesecake which looks absolutely delicious!

Mehr planted some bean seeds a few weeks ago and can now seen the beans coming through…

Heena was very creative and created a new Legoland.

Arjun has been busy making bath bombs for his Mum’s birthday.  Home made presents are the best, well done Arjun!

On top of all of this we have completed lots of Numeracy & Mathematics work. Our Literacy work has focused on comprehension and nouns and some of us are continuing to read Mr Majeika and Esio Trot. We were also treated to another PE from Mr McMillan’s friends and family.  Some of us have uploaded our own videos to be added into the PE lesson 🙂


April 10, 2020
by Mrs Agnew

Primary 3 – Teaching and Learning from Home Week 2

It has been another interesting week and Primary 3 have shown how adaptable and resilient they are by producing amazing work via Google Classrooms. Mrs Agnew, Mrs Grieve and Mr McMillan are all incredibly proud of the work achieved by everyone, well done!

We started off the week with Science and completed a quiz based on the work we have done in class on the Sun, Moon and Stars. This is the end of this Science topic and after the holiday we will be learning about Minibeasts!

Some of us then went on to design our own planet. Have a look at our very imaginative creations…


In RME, we looked at the Jewish festival, Passover. Mrs Grieve asked us to create our own Seder plate and label the items on it. Seder is a special service at the beginning of Passover where family and friends come together for a meal. Some of the foods on a Seder plate are:

  • a lamb bone
  • a roasted egg
  • a green vegetable to dip in salt water
  • bitter herbs, often horse radish
  • charoset

All of these foods are a symbol related to Passover. Here are our Seder plates…



Mr McMillan gave us some excellent PE exercises to do along side Mrs McMillan. We had a Crookfur/Cross Arthurlie challenge.

Mrs Agnew also had us moving with the Superman song. This was just for fun and it certainly made lots of us smile 🙂


We like to share what we are doing in our spare time at home, here are just a few photos…

Maya created a very long list with her Mum of all the exciting activities she is going to do…keep us posted Maya!

Alfie put his Mr Men and Little Miss cups to good use and planted seeds in them. We would love to see more pictures once the seeds start to grow Alfie!

Lewis completed a very exciting experiment with a white board marker, a pen and some water. Lewis said it was so much fun!


Last week we painted rainbows, this week we have been painting suns. Our pictures are sure to brighten up anyone’s day and just have a look at some of our amazing windows…


All that is left to say is we hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and stays safe, we will see you all on the 20th April.

March 30, 2020
by Mrs Grieve

Primary 3 – Teaching and Learning from Home Week 1

What an exciting week it has been for Primary 3! This week was our first week of learning from home. We are all missing each other, but are very lucky that we can keep in touch with each other through our Google Classroom.

We started the week by focusing on kindness in Health and Wellbeing. We had to compliment each other. Here are some of the kind things that pupils said about Lewis and Ace.



In Social Studies, we compared a country of our choice to Scotland. Hishaam compared Pakistan to Scotland. Have a look at the differences in food.

Eilidh looked at Thailand. The teachers loved how Eilidh made her slides more colourful and added pictures!

Mr McMillan posted some great challenges for us. We could sing along to one of our favourite songs, have a go at juggling and do some PE exercises. The teachers loved seeing Sophie and Harry sing along, and Christopher succeeding at his juggling challenge!

The pupils have been making rainbows to stick in their windows. Then, when we go out for walks, we are able to count them! Here are Sophie and Ruby’s versions:

Aren’t they beautiful?

We all enjoyed watching Heena helping her mum by making a lentil curry.

Amy made her own quiet critter so she could focus on her work at home!!

Arjun working hard.

All in all, we had a very different but very fun first week of learning at home.



March 13, 2020
by Mrs Agnew

P3A Week of 9th March

This week we have been practising lots for our show…

In show practise we watched a video of other children acting in The Bee Musical. This helped us understand our different roles on the stage and what our show might look like. Ruby & Alexander

We practised all of our scenes and we created our own actions for the songs. Ollie

The best song in The Bees Musical is ‘The Bees Knees’…we can’t wait to perform this for you. Hishaam

In the show, I am very excited to perform in front of lots of people. Ava

We have been working so hard to create the show for all of our parents/carers. Andrew

Skills Academy

In Learning for Sustainability, in my group, we made Beeswax wrappers and ate honeycomb. I thought the honeycomb was delicious. Alexander.

We learned about bees in Skills Academy, it was really because it was related to our show. Ollie

In Digital Technologies, we were learning about coding using Kodable and trying to get onto different levels. Ruby

On Thursday, we went to assembly and found out who the winner was for ‘Make it happen’.  I thought the winning app was really good. Ethan

Expressive Arts

In Expressive Arts, we have been learning how to mix colours. We learned the three primary colours and used these to mix the three secondary colours. Kerr

We have been learning about Henri Rousseau’s artwork and will be creating our own versions of his art. Andrew

We looked at Henri Rousseau’s paintings. I enjoyed looking at them because they were very creative. Ollie

I learned that red and blue make purple. Omar

I learned that red and yellow make orange. Isaac

I learned that blue and yellow make green. Ruby

I loved mixing the colours. We will create our pieces of art using only the three primary colours. Ava

Numeracy & Maths

The Squares are continuing to work on equivalent fractions and will begin to look at ordering fractions next week. The Triangles have started looking at money and calculating change within £10 and the Circles and Rectangles have been doing addition with carrying and will progress onto subtraction with exchanging.


We have been focusing on handwriting and will continue to look at letter formation. Our Foxes have started a new novel, Mr Majeika and have started considering the difference between facts and opinions. The Hedgehogs are continuing to look at non-fiction and will also be looking at the meaning of different words and how we can use dictionaries to help us find the meaning of words. The Badgers are developing their comprehension skills and will continue to focus on answering inferential questions. We are still enjoying choosing our spelling words and then growing them in class. This week we have been rhyming with our spelling words and discussing the syllables in each word.

February 21, 2020
by Mrs Agnew

STEM Workshop

On Tuesday 11th February, we were extremely lucky and took part in a very exciting STEM workshop by Thales.

We were in the STEM Workshop and we looked at the people with glasses on through a camera. We could see their glasses cold and their bodies were hot. Alexander

The camera was called a Thermal Image Camera. Kerr

I put my hand through a bin bag and the projector could see my hand through the bin bag. Alexander.

A lot of people were in front of the camera and you could see them on the board. Their hair looked white and their body looked grey. Jack

We made a tower out of marshmallows and pasta and there was a draw between two teams and everybody ended up with marshmallows all over their hands. We all wanted to eat the marshmallows. Lily-Anne

We used robots and used a map. We had to put different colours of pen across the map to tell the robot what to do. There was a move called turbo and nitro boost. Kerr

My favourite move was nitro boost. Andrew

I liked the tornado move. Zara

The move which was like a snail was my favourite. It was very slow. Ethan.

I liked how the robot followed the colours and then followed the black line and when it came to the colours it did the move we wanted it to. You could program the robot to learn other moves. Ismail.

When we were doing the quiz about popcorn, the sea and the sky, I learned how popcorn pops. It is because there is wee bits of water in the corn. Ruby

Enjoy the pictures showing how much fun we had!

February 21, 2020
by Andrew McMillan

P3B Class Blog Friday 21st February 2020

In Maths and Numeracy the acute group we were using the hot dots.  There were sums in the box and we had to put the dot on the correct answer.  In the obtuse group we have been learning about money and how to calculate change.  We acted out being a shopkeeper and a customer.  The reflex group have been learning about grid references.  We used grid reference to play battleships with each other.


In Literacy and English the green group were working on some comprehension for the comprehension box.  We got to pick which texts we wanted to read.  The orange group have been learning about non-fiction texts.  These texts contain facts, contents and index pages.  We we learning what these pages are used for and how they help.  The purple group have been reading the Hodgeheg.  We have been learning how to pronounce and read difficult words.


Harry Forbes – “My favourite thing this week was playing football in PE.  We were developing our positioning skills this week.  Some of us were attackers, some midfielders, some defenders and some goalkeepers.”


David Whitton – “I like ICT this week because we learnt how to get on to Google Docs and how to make a picture.”


Mehr Ashraf – “In French we have been learning about different types of clothes. ”


Maya Karthick – “We made constellation books in Science.  We had to draw the constellations using dots and write the names of the constellations.”


Matthew Kimani – “I like doing races in PE.  We also did push ups.”

January 31, 2020
by Mrs Agnew

P3A Week of 27th January

It’s Chinese New Year and we have been celebrating!

On Friday last week, we talked about Chinese New Year in assembly and learned that the celebration lasts for 15 days. We listened to some pupils speaking Mandarin and watched a video of Chinese dancing. We also watched a video about 12 different animals competing in a race. Each of these animals represent a year in China. This year, it is the year of the Rat.

During art, we painted Willow pattern plates, which are blue and white. We listened to the story of the two doves which explained the history of the Willow pattern. We enjoyed creating the plates however it was very tricky to  include the detail on the plates. We do think we had a good go at it and we are very proud of our designs!

With Mrs Nasar, we made Chinese red envelopes. On our envelopes, we wrote either our name or a message in Mandarin. Some of us gave our envelopes to family, friends and even Mrs Agnew. The red colour of the envelopes represent good luck!

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