This week we have been using Polydron to build 3D models with 2D shapes. Ryan created a house which…
“…has a pentagon floor, square walls and a triangle roof.”
He was rightly proud of his house and wanted to share it with his family.
This week we have been using Polydron to build 3D models with 2D shapes. Ryan created a house which…
“…has a pentagon floor, square walls and a triangle roof.”
He was rightly proud of his house and wanted to share it with his family.
It looks like Santa has been checking the “Santa Cam” as he sent a special letter to Primary 1 this week.
Santa says he is very happy with the children’s behaviour and has granted their wish of their own class elf. However, Santa did not say in his letter where the elf would be.
We searched thoroughly in our classroom and even took the hunt outdoors into our playground but no elf could be found. We asked the builders, the office staff and even Mrs. Loudon but nobody saw our elf.
Then we remembered about the hut in our old playground and look who we found.
Santa asked us to name the elf, so we decided to call him Mischief because Santa told us he can be naughty sometimes.
This week we took our learning outdoors.
We used the space to investigate 2D shapes. Using wool we created as many shapes as we could think.
Afterwards, we used what we learned outdoors to create 2D pictures back in our classroom.
This week a mysterious parcel was delivered to Primary 1.
It came all the way from the North Pole from Santa. Santa sent a special “Santa Cam” badge for Miss Lawrence to wear so that he can check that the children are working hard in class and being kind to one another on the run-up to Christmas day.