World Children’s Day – 20th November 2018

World Children’s day is on Tuesday 20th November. This day recognises when the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was signed and agreed in 1959. This day is to promote children’s rights around the world.

Pupils can wear something blue to show their support for Children’s Rights.

We will be learning about how every child is born with these rights and they should not be taken away. Unfortunately there are still children living in countries where their rights are not met. We will be learning about inspiring children who have fought for children’s rights.

Watch this video from UNICEF #goblue

Barrhead High School sharing their learning on Children’s Rights

Pupils from S2 and S3 in Barrhead High came to deliver a lesson on ‘The right to an education’ to our Primary 7s. We learned about the ‘Send my Friend to School’ campaign and how children around the world have the right to an education but this is sometimes affected by conflict, natural disasters and gender inequalities in specific countries.

We also learned how some issues in the UK such as bullying might have an impact on our right to an education. We created an issues tree to highlight the effects and solutions to ensure our rights are met fully.


Working towards SILVER

Miss Reid had a productive day on the Silver Award training course.

She shared our school’s Action Plan and explored the three strands for learning about rights.

  1. Teaching and Learning ABOUT rights.  Children should know the every child is born with rights and these are universal and unconditional.
  2. Teaching and Learning THROUGH rights. Everyone within the school respects the rights of others and demonstrates this in their day to day actions/behaviour.
  3. Teaching and Learning FOR rights. Children can express their opinions and are involved in decisions within the school. Pupils take action to help promote rights, locally and nationally.

Class Charters 2018-2019

We have all been learning about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Each class discussed all the articles and voted for the six articles they felt were most relevant to be included in their Class Charter.

We will continue to use our Class Charter to help us with our learning and remind us of our Rights throughout the school year.

Primary One

Primary Two

Primary Three

Primary Four

Primary Five

Primary Six

Primary Seven

Welcome to our new Equality Committee 2018-2019

Welcome to our new Equality Committee for 2018-2019.

Every pupil in the school was asked if they wished to apply to be part of the  Equality Committee and given an application form. Pupils presented why they should be their class representative  and the children voted for their favourite candidate.



P5 and P6 have been learning about Fairtrade and the Journey of Bananas. They discussed Article 32 – You have the right to protection from work that harms you, and is bad for your health and education. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid fairly.


Sharing our learning

The Equality committee created Cross Arthurlie’s first ‘Rights leaflet’ to share all our learning about the United Nation’s Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the Rights Respecting School Award.

Click on the link below to read the leaflet and find out more.

rights leaflet FINAL

The committee also created an excellent wall display in our Assembly hall to show some of the articles we will be focusing on this year.

Informing our School Community about Children’s Rights

The Equality Committee are working hard to share our work on Children’s rights throughout the school.  We have split into two groups to share our message with the parents and children.

The first group are going to create an information leaflet about Children’s Rights and the Rights Respecting Award.  

The second group are going to design a Rights display for our assembly hall. Look out for it coming soon…

Bronze Award – Rights Committed

Welcome to the very first Rights Respecting School blog. We have created a brand new Equality Committee with a member from every class in our school.

Here are our committee members proudly wearing their RRS badges to show who they are.

The Equality committee’s job is to help everyone  in the school and community learn more about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Rights are things every child should have or be able to do.

Every class created their own Class Charter to learn more about these rights and think about which rights were important for us at school. Look at our ‘Class Charter’ blog to see what rights we thought were important.