Category Archives: Our Rights

Proud to Be Me

The Rights Respecting Committee and others have been working on a ‘Proud to Be Me’ event for next month. We have been discussing articles:


2 – Freedom from discrimination

13 – Freedom of expression and

14 – Freedom of though, belief and religion.

We talked about what it means to be ourselves, and ways in which we are all different. We have been making posters to display around the school.

ABCDE of children’s rights – art competition winners

The Equality committee were running an art competition about the ABCDE of children’s rights.

Rights are for all children and young people throughout the world (universal), are there at birth (inherent), cannot be taken away (inalienable), do not come with any conditions attached to them (unconditional) and are all equally important (indivisible).

  Winner from P3/1

 Winner from P3/2

 Winner from P4/1

 Winner from P4/2

 Winner from P5/1

 Winner from P5/2.

 Winner from P6/1.

 Winner from P6/2

 Winner from P7/1

 Winner from P7/2

Winner from Equality Committee


Winner from Equality Committee

Winner from Equality Committee

Winner from Equality Committee



ABCDE of rights

The Equality Committee have been working hard to inform the school community about the ABCDE of rights. We decided we wanted to hold an art competition to create a word cloud with the new words and their meanings. We will announce the winners in a few weeks and they will be displayed in the assembly hall.

Class Charters 2019-2020

We have all been learning about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Each class discussed all the articles and voted for the six articles  they felt were most relevant to be included in their Class Charter.

We will continue to use our Class Charter to help us with our learning and remind us of our rights throughout the school year.

 Primary 1 Primary 1

  Primary 2


 Primary 3
 Primary 4

  Primary 4

 Primary 5.1

 Primary 5.2

 Primary 6.1

 Primary 6.2



 Primary 7.2