Category Archives: Anti-Racism

Proud to be Me Day

We celebrated our Proud to be ME day on Friday 14th June!

Each class explored a book or poem about being proud of ourselves and celebrating our unique identities. Here is some of the work we produced:

P7 – Exploring our heritage

P2 – Talking about our achievements


Some of the primary 5-7’s gave a talk about how to be an anti-racist.

and some children talked about what it means to be proud of yourself:



We also made a video that shows all the ways we our proud to be ourselves in Cross Arhurlie!

Wear Red Day – Show Racism the Red Card

On Friday 4th October we wore something red to show our support for the Show Racism the Red Card campaign.

We watched a video and discussed what racism means. We know that we should show respect for everyone equally no matter the colour of their skin, their nationality or religion.

This links to children’s rights because:

  • Article 7: You have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country)
  • Article 14: You have the right to choose your own religion and beliefs.
  • Article 22: You have the right to special protection and help if you are a refugee.
  • Global Goal 10: reduce Inequalities