Author Archives: Miss Griffith

Proud to be Me Day

We celebrated our Proud to be ME day on Friday 14th June!

Each class explored a book or poem about being proud of ourselves and celebrating our unique identities. Here is some of the work we produced:

P7 – Exploring our heritage

P2 – Talking about our achievements


Some of the primary 5-7’s gave a talk about how to be an anti-racist.

and some children talked about what it means to be proud of yourself:



We also made a video that shows all the ways we our proud to be ourselves in Cross Arhurlie!

Proud to Be Me

The Rights Respecting Committee and others have been working on a ‘Proud to Be Me’ event for next month. We have been discussing articles:


2 – Freedom from discrimination

13 – Freedom of expression and

14 – Freedom of though, belief and religion.

We talked about what it means to be ourselves, and ways in which we are all different. We have been making posters to display around the school.


The Equalities committee have been learning about Ramadan. This is what we have learned:

Ramadan is the 9th month to Muslims and what they do for Ramadan is when they fast all day and eat at night. In other countries like Muslim countries they have school half a day but in Scotland we have full days because 1.4% of Muslims live in Scotland even though that seems like alot that isnt actually even half in big Cities.  in the Uk their are mosques which is like a place of worship. By Sienna

After Ramadan has finished, Muslims celebrate with a big festival called Eid – Daisy

Daisy and Isla:

Islay and Zara:

Ruaridh and Kamaran:

Lewis and Lewis:

Food Bank Donations – January 24

During January, The Rights Respecting Committee have been collecting and sorting donations for the local food bank. We have collected a huge amount of food and supplies and are very grateful for the kind donations. These will be collected at the end of this week.

Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health.