Parent Survey – Results

Our Primary 7 Equality reps created a survey to monitor our progress towards the GOLD award and identify any areas where we needed to improve. Mrs Gauld asked parents to complete this survey during Parents’ Night.

51 parents answered the survey and then The Equality Committee looked at the results.

See a summary of the results here:


We discovered that only half the parents knew we were working towards the Rights Respecting Award and that all parents who answered didn’t know what the ABCDE of rights or the Global Goals were. This means that not all pupils are sharing their learning about rights at home.

Parents were very positive about their children becoming empowered, confident and responsible by learning about rights and commented that pupils are developing the knowledge of how to help others gain access to their rights.

Parents shared their opinions on what we should campaign towards, identifying the changes in local environment, such as vandalism to local parks and the building of housing taking away green space, as areas for concern.

As a committee we will debate these issues further to see what we will campaign on in the New Year.