Covid Safe Practices – Parent Information

To help ensure that everyone stays safe and well at nursery, we have had to adapt some of our usual routines, more details about our new procedures can be found in the information letter below:


Zones and Bubbles

In addition to the information in the letter, we have also adapted the environment,  splitting it into different learning zones. The zones are called Sun, Moon and Stars. In line with government guidance, your child will be part of a bubble which will include other children and a few members of staff including their key people. Your child will stay within their allocated zone throughout their session and will be able to free flow around this area, making their own choices in their play. All zones have access to the outdoor area and have a variety of resources that cater for different play types and interests. All of the children will stay in their zone for 2-3 weeks to allow them time to explore, repeat experiences and extend their learning. At the end of this time, we will share a video of their new zone with them and talk about the different play opportunities it has. The same staff will move round with the bubble of children. When it is time for children to move zones, this information will be shared on our week sheet. Enhanced cleaning will take place within the zone before a new bubble of children enter. Below is a video identifying our different zones, as well as information about our staff and group bubbles.

Family Centre Group and Staff Bubbles