Euro fever hits the family centre…

This week, football fever has hit the nursery with the anticipation of the Euros starting. The children have enjoyed designing their own football pitch and playing games with their friends, developing their fine motor skills through their play.

The children have explored maps and the countries involved, linking them to their flags and writing the names of the countries beside them in the garden.

In the literacy area, the children have created their own passports, recording their own names and ages as well as other details important to them. Some excellent mark making skills on display!

In the block area, we have been exploring the sporting structures, such as stadiums, swimming pools and racetracks. We’ve also been exploring ordinal numbers (first, second etc) as we raced the cars and had a go at ranking their positions, sharing out the corresponding rosettes.

The garden has been busy brewing their own potions using petals and colourful water. The children have developed interesting vocabulary as well as learning about capacity, mixing and instructions to create a recipe.

The garden and hall have also provided lots of opportunities for large gross motor skills including bouncing, balancing and running.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week!