garden fun, clay creations, sewing skills and more…

This week, we have been exploring clay and all things natural outdoors. There has been lots of work on our fine motor skills trying to squeeze, squash and  twist it. We’ve had lots of problem solving and we worked out if you added more water it was “more slimey and easier” JL.  The clay has provided lots of discussion, creativity and endless possibilities. Some of the children have used it to make new chocolate bar creations using the flowers and petals to decorate and add flavour. We’ve also had a go at making the three bears from  goldilocks using the stone and shells to make faces.

“I’m making dairy milk it’s my favourite the yellow is the caramel” JL

“look if i rub it with water it goes smoother because I’m using my hands D

I’m giving the bear spiky hair with the leaves” HM

The children have set up their own ice cream shop using the sand pit and climbing frame to serve their customers. We will introduce some money next week to encourage the children to become familiar with a variety of coins.

The children were thrilled with the bubble wrap placed in the garden which sparked a whole variety of gross and fine motor skills from jumping, dancing and popping to make firework sounds.

The garden has been a hive of activity all week as the weather becomes a little warmer. We’ve had lots of yummy recipes created in the mud kitchen even featuring a real worm. The bikes have been well used, the water area filled with splashing, pouring and filling and imaginative games galore!

The children have decided to make wands this week in the creative area, choosing the materials to use in their creations.

The sewing area was as creative as always this week with the children making pillows, bags and love hearts, stitching material together with the support of an adult.

The children were up in the field and in the garden practising running races for sports day, football games and throwing and catching.

Enjoy the weekend. Fingers crossed for some sunshine!!