Dancing, Dens & Making Paper!

This week outside we have been listening to the red hot chilli pipers and showing off some lovely highland dancing, choosing ways to move to the beat of the drums and bagpipes.


The children enjoyed some splatter paint using balls to burst the balloons to create some beautiful art.

They also enjoyed a trip to the woodlands to discover where paper comes from, making links with experiences in the malleable area of creating paper. The children explored the woods finding conkers, mushrooms and giant branches and various leaves. They discussed the different types of leaves they found through a scavenger hunt, talking about the different features, sizes and colours of the leaves.

This week in the malleable area the children have been exploring all things paper.They first engaged in a tactile sensory experience by including natural paper and wood based parts in their play dough creations. They continued their curiosity by making their own paper and learning about where it comes from and we had interesting discussions about habitats and sustainability.


What will happen if we keep cutting down trees?

“Oh,then there will be no more trees and the birds will need to live on the ground and the foxes will get them”-MM


“Talking about oxygen makes me take a big breath”-MM


What does the paper feel like

“Porridge and stuffing”


“I ripped a tiny bit”-CG

“The water is going through”-CG

“It feels mushy”-SC

“You need to chop the tree down to make paper”-LB

“It’s like rain”-RA (sieving)


This week in the discovery area the children continued their exploration of paper through creating their own origami.They had to follow the sequence of instructions and exercised their fine motor skills as they used precision in their folds.


MM “Origami means folding paper”

RB “I’m making a doggy it’s tricky”

OD “Its a star”


This week in the baking area we have been busy making cookies: chocolate and ginger; chocolate chip; and plain. There was lots of discussion and interest around the recipe, so next week we will be focusing on creating our own! We used lots of different skills as we explored measurement, using our muscles for different techniques and following instructions. Afterwards the children helped to tidy up, wiping down surfaces and washing the dishes. 

In the literacy area the children have been exploring technology through using the laptops. They have been identifying the difference between letters and numbers and have been using the keyboard to write their names .