Another busy week making friends

It has been another busy week in the nursery and we are delighted to see how well the children are settling to the experiences on offer. We have had lots of opportunities to explore different stories and talk about parts of the book especially during our group together time. The children have helped each other to point out the front and back cover, title and talk about what an author does.

We have been exploring numbers through loose parts, games and songs/rhyme. There were some very excited chants of ‘bingo’ throughout the playroom when that final number the boys and girls were waiting on was called.

In our garden , Mr McIntosh was very pleased to see the children interacting in our new cosy  story area, taking turns to tell their own stories. The child that was telling the story sat on the big chair while the rest sat on the stools and log, listening to and adding their own bits in to the story. There were stories about dinosaurs, superheroes and princesses. 

The children picked some of the herbs and veg that we have been growing in the garden. They picked mint, bay leaves, curry plant and spring onions. The children smelled them and shared their thoughts with their friends.

 ‘It smells of snow ‘ EL        ‘That smells like toothpaste’ Jl

 The children then made potions with them. 

The children used the blocks to make a garage for the cars with a ramp as the way in for the cars. 

This week in the sewing area the children expressed an interest in creating their own watches. Miss Shannon and Miss Queenan supported the children with their fine motor skills and helped them to develop an understanding of sequencing. During this activity the children were able to identify different parts of the clock, show number recognition, and spoke about time, relating this to their daily routines.

“1 ‘0’ clock is home time”-CL

“Only supper at night, breakfast in the morning” “ticky tocky”-ES

“You push it down and I’ll pull it up, then we do it again”-EC

Have a lovely weekend. We look forward to seeing all the boys and girls next week.

Mrs Denholm