We had great fun creating snowball mazes! Working Collaboratively, we designed how our mazes would look to ensure they were suitable for our snowball to get through.
We had great fun creating snowball mazes! Working Collaboratively, we designed how our mazes would look to ensure they were suitable for our snowball to get through.
This morning we used the BeeBots to practice giving and following directions. We programmed the BeeBots to make their way through the mazes we created as a group!
P4a had a great Christmas Jumper Day! We enjoyed creating our own Christmas jumpers,playing Christmas Bingo and reading the different Christmas books. Thanks for everyone taking part and bringing in books!
During Literacy, we made predictions on what we thought the little boy was waiting for. Stay tuned to read our recounts of the video to see if our predictions were correct!
We had a great morning with Miss Patterson practising our animals in French! We even practised some animals we may find in the North Pole!
We enjoyed our workshop with Fischy music this morning getting us warmed up for our concert this afternoon!
Primary Four enjoyed presenting their learning assembly to their family and friends. Thanks for everyone that attended!
P4 were very creative this morning creating different things related to Christmas. We had a selection of snowmen, sledges, Christmas trees, Santa’s Grotto and ice rinks!
P4a and P4b have been practising very hard for their learning assembly. We can’t wait to share with our loved ones on Friday 9th December at 2:30pm.