
The Panthers had a wonderful time outside today!

Some of our children were exploring force! They started by rolling tyres from the top of the hill. They realised that the harder they pushed, the tyre will go further and faster! They then explored what happened when they rolled down the hill themselves. What great fun!

Laughlin, Arya, Shay, Fletcher, Orla, Tola and Maja all took turns are racing around the hill! They timed themselves using the stopwatch on Mrs Carwood’s phone to see who was the fastest. We are very fast runners!

Ellie and Emmie worked together to collect lots of stones. They lined them up and counted them and worked out that they had 11 altogether. When Ellie found another they worked out that they had made 12 and they wrote the number 12 using the chalk. They then went off looking for more and when we counted them together we realised that they had 24! We were able to write the number 24 under the stones! Well done girls!

Mila, Leon, Logan, Fletcher and Laughlin found a worm! They wondered where it might have come from. They gave it a new home in our pumpkin patch!

TJ showed Shay and Ivy how to write his name and they gave it a brilliant go on their own! Well done you two!

TJ made up a brilliant long jump game that some of the children had a go of in the MUGA. Thanks TJ!

Fantastic work Panthers!


The Giraffes have had a very busy morning outside!

Jack and James demonstrated some fabulous balancing skills!

Lilly, Lilja,  Annabelle and Isla Rose drew some beautiful pictures.

Lorena asked Mrs Carwood to help her make an obstacle course! We added ladder runs, blocks and crates and finished it with a hopscotch! Lots of the other children had a go!

James was so busy making this amazing den. He used all of the blocks and then some of the crates to make a roof. He was using it to hide from the baddies! He asked Mrs Carwood to help him to write his name on it. Amazing achievement James!

Lorena designed a beautiful castle that she is going to build with the small blocks when she goes back to class after break!

Mohammed Almeer made his own game using chalk. He wrote all of the numbers to 8 first of all then hid them by colouring them in. You had to remember where the numbers were hidden and jump on the right ones to win! We made it harder by adding all of the numbers up to 15! Well done Mohammed Almeer!

Lacy designed a beautiful dress for her mum using the chalk. She said that mum would wear it to a wedding!

Kyle, Tony, Clayton and Jack used the equipment to be able to climb up and over the board! They worked together as a team so effectively, well done boys!!

What a fantastic morning Giraffes, well done!


During our planning session, the Giraffes expressed interest in learning how to go faster. We started today by talking about timing and looking at clocks! We made clocks outside and used them to tell ‘o’clock’ times.

Well done Giraffes!


This morning the Tigers received a letter from a very worried princess! Her castle had been stolen and she needed help to design a new one! They worked in teams to design a new castle for the princess.

Kieva and Layla gave their castle turrets and windows and even drew the princess living in it!

Ryan and Corey gave their castle turrets too and a door that needed a very special key to unlock. They also had a go at writing their names on their design!

Charlie and Anas gave their castle 4 legs so that it could run away if it was attacked again!

Kameron and Alfie gave their castle wings so that it could fly!

The Tigers then used the loose parts to make their castle outside! They worked together to create a very sturdy design and when the rain came on they covered it with tarpaulin to make a den.

Well done Primary 1, the princess will be delighted with her new castle!

Panthers and Tigers

The Panthers and the Tigers have both been outside today! The Panthers went for a walk around the school grounds, working together to collect leaves, sticks, stones, berries and all sorts of other natural materials. Then we brought our materials back and worked in our teams to create Panther portraits!

The Tigers had expressed interest in wanting to dig for treasure so we went outside to the planters to harvest the carrots!

We worked together to count all of the carrots – we found 53! Then we took some carrots in groups and sorted them from biggest to smallest!

Well done P1!


Outdoor sessions

Just a reminder to all of our families that we will be continuing our outdoor learning sessions this week so please remember to send in appropriate shoes for your child to wear in the rain.

Thanks for your continued support!

Mrs Carwood

Outdoor art!

Primary 1 created some fabulous art outside today! We used lots of different things that we found in our school grounds to create pictures of our group animals! Here are the Tigers and some of their pieces…

And here are the Giraffes!

Thank you also to our wonderful P4 helper, TJ! You were a superstar today!

The Panthers will have their turn to make their pieces tomorrow! Well done everyone!

Outdoor learning

Primary 1 have loved taking our learning outdoors this week!! We made some interesting meals in the mud kitchen…

Some of us made a map that we followed to look for treasure!

We played with musical instruments and used the blocks to build some very interesting structures!

We used the large loose parts to create obstacle courses…

We found an apple tree and we spotted lots of other berries growing on the trees in the grounds!

We did some gardening in the pumpkin patch and we found lots of worms and even a caterpillar!

What a fantastic start to our outdoor learning journey, well done Primary 1!

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