Welcome to P1.2!

Primary 1.2 have settled in very well to their new school and classroom and enjoyed making lots of friends.

We’ve discussed our class charter and how to be kind and safe friends, and everyone drew their picture to add.

We’ve begun learning our sounds and are having fun practising these when doing our targets.

We really enjoy reading stories and creating our own in Drawing Club and have come up with some fantastic ideas.

We have enjoyed exploring the classroom environment. There is an Art area, Sand pit, Construction, Literacy, Numeracy, Home corner, and STEM area. The construction and Home areas have been particularly popular and provide opportunities for children to further develop their skills, and build new friendships. Some of the children had fun creating their own McDonald’s and Burger King with sign posts.

We had a very wet first Muddy Movers and the children enjoyed splashing in the puddles, and pouring water.