New Beginnings🎓!

Primary 1/1 are off to a great start in school!


On our outdoor day, we have been exploring measure. We used communication and team-working skills to put ourselves in height order by standing back-to-back with each other. 📏🗣

In Science, we are investigating forces. We read the ‘Three Little Pigs’🐷 and tested different materials when huffing and puffing to see which moved the least/most💨. We made predictions before we tried each item.

We have been using the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ to further explore forces🌱. We learned that gravity is a force that pulls us to the ground🧲. Miss Payne got a special letter that asked Primary 1/1 to help Jack reach the ground safely with a parachute🪂. Using paper, a plastic bag and paper plate, we tested which material worked best to help Jack float to the ground safely.

Our STEM challenge was to work in teams to build the tallest beanstalk using various construction materials in 3 minutes. Some materials were harder than others🧱🏗.

In Art we are looking at colour mixing, learning which primary colours we can mix to make more colours❤️💛💙. We each used this to paint our own rainbows🌈.

Primary 1 are working so hard in Literacy when learning our sounds and singing along to the songs, while doing the actions🎤. We can name words that start with each sound and sort pictures depending on which sound they start with🔈.


Keep up the super work Primary 1/1,

Miss Payne💖

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